I just like the look of Tyler aka Mr. Cool, lounging against the fence.

Koen was half napping even though it was super windy.

Jackie with her oldest niece, Isabel (yes, another Isabelle, other side of the family).

The group of us. Last year, I was 6 months pregnant with Koen when we did it.

Kai and Gary running to the starting line. Usually Kai is a very good runner but this cold is knocking him out so....

Gary had to carry him for 3/4 of it.

At the finish line. Now that I look at it, I guess Koen did fall asleep!

Gary at Derby Reach last night for a photo shoot. The weather and fall colours were PERFECT. Another one tonight. October and May are the busiest months for photos. Who would've thought?
I'll be honest, I am SO frustrated right now. What is better than running in fall weather? My doctor doesn't really know what I should and shouldn't do as he's more of a OB/GYN so ya....I'm going to an acupuncturist on Tuesday, even though my doctor said it wouldn't work. So far, what he's recommended hasn't worked and I'm willing to try anything.
I am very thankful for the support that I have received. I don't like asking for help, and I know I'm functioning at about 65% right now so I can take care of myself but ya, people have been so thoughtful. My sister Maria has taken the kids when I have to go to the doctor (every 4 days or so), my care group from church has offered meals and child care (even though I said we were okay, one couple gave us two meals), and my football team surprised me yesterday with a gift card for meals and house cleaning that is on the way. Wow. I'm very thankful for the people I have in my life. I don't know why I have a hard time accepting help and gifts, maybe I don't feel sick enough? Maybe it's because I grew up thinking I had to take care of myself and be independent? I know I will get better soon, it just seems to be taking SO long. One month down.
Lazy moment of the week: I found a dried piece of food in the carpet and threw it behind the couch instead of in the garbage.
Embarrassing moment of the week: Almost got an interception in football except it went right through my hands, hit my sunglasses and popped the lens out. OUCH. Area around my eye is sore. By the way, you are thinking `What? If you can play football, you must be okay!'. Let me tell you, I barely run, I just throw the ball. Not ideal, but I'll play what I can. I may have gotten mad at the rusher yesterday. I've never had a rusher so NOT in control of her body, she just kept running into me. I said, loudly, `HERE ARE MY FLAGS! STOP RUNNING INTO ME LADY!'. With hyperthyroidism, you bruise easily, you should see the bruises all over my legs and back from that wonderfully out of control rusher.
Most precious moment of the week...we have a tie!:
1.After picking up preschool, I was buckling Kai into his carseat and he reached over and rubbed Koen's hand gently saying `Hi Koen. I missed you, it's good to see you!'. Aw. I would say 97% of Kai's intereactions with him are rough so this was such a blessing.
2. When Gary went to the Lions game, Koen woke up at 10pm so I brought him downstairs with me, fed him and then he fell asleep laying on me. I savoured it. I love holding a sleeping baby and it won't happen much longer!
Which Acupuncturist are you going too? If I could make a suggestion I would HIGHLY recommend Kathy King. She is in Abby but worth the drive. She is a acupuncturist, a doctor in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Doula. She is amazing and has helped a lot of people I know. Aside from her expertise with labor and pregnancy (she was the reason I didn't need a c-section) she has helped friends of mine with menopause, eczema, depression, constipation, PMS, etc... I'm certain she could help you out. Very well priced and if it is something simple she generally just tells you what to do over the phone. If you want to try her out leave her a message at 604-557-1779 and she'll call you back.
ReplyDeleteHi Louise......I just want to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. Feel free to check me out as well. I love blogging and all my friends like Facebook way better, so I ended up clicking on your link from Christa one night, just cuz no one had updated that week. What can I say.....I was wide awake in the middle of the night and I had exhausted all reading material.
ReplyDeleteI have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and have been hypo-thyroid since I was 11 years old. I am now 49. It's been an interesting ride, to say the very least! When I was 39/40, I was hyper-thyroid for 9 months. When I was finally referred to an endocrinologist, she was absolutely astounded that my husband was still married to me. (because I have had LOTS of hyper symptoms to go along with my hypo thyroid-----and he had pretty much endured all for over 20 years. I was so busy raising my family that I didn't even realize that I had a chronic illness.....you have to remember that this was all before the internet) I have had ALL your symptoms plus more...I actually lost 50 pounds in 2 months! And I am going to let you know that it's the naturapath who has helped me the most. I have only been seeing her for the last 2 and a half years, but us thyroid people have to get ALL of our hormones in check....hence the name of my blog. LOL My doctor fully supports me seeing her, but I still see him regularly as well.
Way back when, I was on beta-blockers, anti-depressants, progesterone,anti-anxieties, sleeping pills.....oh, you name it, and I have pretty much tried it all. I take a synthetic hormone every day, but the dosage varies all the time with my weight. Cuz that little pill pretty much controls me. Like a diabetic.....I have to take my synthroid every day at the same time with the same routine.
Anyways, I just want to encourage you to try the acupuncturist if you think it will work.....or a naturapath......or even an endocrinologist. You are definitely on the right track, and you sound like you have lots of support. Like all things, this too shall pass!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!!!
feel better soon! don't let your doc discredit alternative medicine. It won't hurt and could help. Hang in there!!
ReplyDeleteglad you could participate at least in some way!
ReplyDeletei LOVE fall runs - this morning was perfect (despite my lack of energy for running AFTER a level 3 workout!)
i hope the acupuncturist (or SOMEthing, for that matter) works for you so you can get back to yourself. so wonderful to have so many people help, even if it's hard to receive :)
lazy moment of the week: i do that too - i finally pulled the couch away last week to vacuum under it (we have carpet, so it just doesn't get done as much as maybe hard wood would?) ANyway, there was lots of stuff back there :)
precious moments of the week: Heart-meltingly precious!!!!