2. The calendar. We took out our new calendar and I flipped through the past year to see what we were up to and whether we were really as busy as I thought, yup, we were. Last year at this time I was 9 weeks pregnant. Crazy stuff.
3. Our computer room. Gary and I went nuts yesterday (or was it plum crazy? That's a saying isn't it? You'll see that my pun makes sense in a second) and put up moulding/chair rail/whatever you call it and painted the wall `Spiced Plum'. We wanted to make the first room you see in our house a little more fun and organized. Now, we just have to put up all the black and white photos. I was very impressed with Gary's knowledge of the mitre box and saw:) I was also impressed with our team work; go Team Chapman!

4. The scale. Wow...so, not going on my daily walks and not going to the gym in the past week and oh ya, eating TONS of chocolate really adds up. It adds up to about 5 lbs. Gary and I may be signing up for a 1/2 marathon and full one for him...may being the operative word. Not sure. Do we have time to train? Do I have any energy to spare? I went for a simple 4km last week and it wiped me out for 2 days...feeding our `little' guy really takes a lot out of me.
5. Lotsa friends. So many of our friends have been out here from Thailand, Ontario, and Walnut Grove(:)) so it was fun to catch up and hang out. Mexico next Christmas? Oh ya, a friend of mine was up from California and she got to meet the lovely Mr. Kai, great to see her again too.
6. Gary wanted me to add that I've looked at us hugging in the mirror. Good old hugs, can't get enough. You know when I was single, I didn't realize how long I would go without any physical contact whatsoever. I used to make my little sisters hug me. Yes, make them. It's important to have some physical contact if you ask me.