-he now weighs 15lbs 6oz
-he has his second cold! I don't think Kai ever had a cold while I breastfed him...
-he's a pretty happy baby
-still not taking a bottle. We have tried 3 different types of nipples and have also fed him with a syringe and little cup. The reason for the sense of urgency is that I am in a wedding in one week and also, football games start in 2.5 weeks (so I'll be gone for more than just a few hours). It's not feasible that Gary come to the games with Kai either, its just too cold and Kai has to nap. Another reason was that we are doing wedding photos this summer but hopefully by then he'll be taking some solids so that should hold him off for a bit. Also, I will not be at the receptions so I shouldn't be away from him for more than 6 hours or so. Any bottle or nipple recommendations? We've done Avent, Playtex Dropins and Evenflo.

(Looking like an old man)

(Uh, is this supposed to be fun?)

-Kai ended up in the ER again last night. He got really sick yesterday, which I realized when we tried to go for a walk and a few feet down the sidewalk he laid face first on the ground and said he was too tired. He went to his room at 10am to rest for the rest of the day. He wasn't eating or drinking anything except for a kiwi. Even with medicine, his fever got up to 103.5F so I got Gary to take him to the hospital around 9:15pm. They waited in the ER for 2.5 hours and not one person saw a doctor in that time so Gary came home. I know I may sound a little paranoid taking him in but the last thing I wanted was for it to get worse and take both kids to the doctor today. Also, a cold I can handle but a fever...it stresses me out. Since our crazy bout of sickness in January, I have been using sanitizer on Kai's hands after church or after visiting with other kids. Can't wait til the summer, everyone's healthy in the summer right?

(our living room completely taken over by toys...always. I caught Gary playing with the race car track after Kai went to bed.)
-today he is feeling a bit better and I'm surprised he wasn't grumpier being that he didn't get much sleep last night
-when discussing what to plant in the garden this spring, Kai told Gary that an M+M plant would be a good idea:)
-when begging me to go outside with him, I told him it was too cold and he said, `It'll be okay mommy, I'll hold your hand'. He is so sweet. I had been trying on my bridesmaid dress that I'm wearing next weekend and later, when putting Kai to bed, he said, `That was a pretty dress mommy'. Every night, when I say `I love you Kai', he says, `I love you too mommy'. What could be better?
-I'm good. Terrible sleep last night. Dreamt that my niece (1.5 years old) was carrying a match and lit my mattress on fire. Dreamt I was measuring Kai's temperature and it shot up from 40C to 100C and he died in my arms. Dreamt of giant leaping fish in my house and wild dogs.
-finally finished my blog book (by blurb.com) and should have it in a few weeks. It covers 3 years..from when we were newlyweds til present day:)
-I made some cupcakes last night and I have no idea why. Unfortunately they are not healthy but they taste amazing.
GARY-I think he is tired. Fortunately Spring Break starts this Friday. I have to make sure not to schedule too much stuff in there:) We have 3 photo shoots, I'm in a wedding, and we are going to the island to visit my oma and uncle. We would also like to take the kids to the aquarium which I think Kai would LOVE.
-We've been rotating dinner nights which has been good. Sometimes I make part of my dinner (like the sauce) the night before when Kai is in bed. I love having a husband that can cook and loves to do so. He's so pumped to get our mini garden and herbs going again. I love fresh basil.
-We might be painting our trim this summer. Well, Gary would. Right now it is a weird green colour which we actually chose. We may be going brown like everyone else in this neighbourhood.
Okay, time to try to ease Koen out of this bjorn and into bed and then check Kai's temperature.