Had the ultrasound today! Kai and Koen got to come along and `meet' their little sibling. The baby kept its legs wrapped up tightly so she couldn't get a good look to see if it was a boy or girl, but, the tech said she would record what she thought it was and we'll see in about 3 weeks. The baby spent most of it's time not moving (so different than it's brothers!!) and it's hand up near it's face. We did get to see it swallow and also suck it's thumb (so cute!!!). Kai said it must be his twin due to the thumb sucking. Koen said the picture on the screen looked `yucky' and couldn't understand that it was the baby:)

The tech said the baby is measuring one week off my projected due date of May 28th. Not sure if it's one week smaller or bigger but that is interesting. I've never measured far off at this point. It's always at the end where my babies get so big. I think I will just stick to May 28th as I'm pretty certain of the date of conception:) Looking forward to going over the report and making sure all is well. With each boy, there was something that was off (Kai=renal pelvis in the kidney, Koen=CPC's in the brain) and both were fine. I wish the tech could just tell you everything then and there, oh well, at least she was nice and talked with me the whole time:)
Finally, we are wanting the baby's gender written on a piece of paper and put in an envelope. Then, we are thinking of getting my sister to fill up a box of gender specific coloured balloons and doing something like this:

Or, do you have any other ideas? I'd love to incorporate the boys in it (maybe them popping out of the box or being surprised with us). I know people have done pink/blue cupcakes, pinatas with pink/blue candy...anything other ideas?
I'm 90% certain that it is another boy. I just really want a healthy baby but I'll be honest that part of me would love a little more estrogen/pink in this family. Talking about pink, how sweet is my newest little niece?! I helped give her a bath yesterday and then when Trish took a shower I took just a few pictures of baby Hannah. She is so sweet and little and sleeps so much:) Here she is 4 days old...

Have a wonderful evening.
Love, Louise
PS Snowshoeing yesterday+aquafit last night=tired Louise!