Today Gary had a tournament, yes, on Sunday. He just finished his previous tournament yesterday. So, we all went as a family so the boys could help `coach' and I could take photos of Gary's team in action.
The boys had a lot of fun cheering `Defense' and stressed me out by wrestling on the bench during the game. Kai liked drawing in the white board too.
Gary's team lost big was not fun to watch. I'm usually quite encouraging but in this case, ya, they have a long ways to go. Looking like another short season, folks:)
What else is new?
Kai has started skating lessons two times a week. Poor guy, it's been a year since he skated last so he's one of the wobbliest in his class. They go much faster and Kai is so competitive that it is so hard for him to be last or second last. But, I truly admire his determination. He just kept getting back up and giving it 100%. Couldn't be prouder. I think it's a great life lesson for him.
Also, Kai is big into watching sports. For example, he gets up at 5:45am to watch sports highlights. We can hear him cheering. He's always asking Gary if they can watch a football, basketball or hockey game together. Doesn't take much for Gary to agree:)
I have the perfect amount of sessions right now at about one per week until I'm 37 weeks pregnant. So perfect for balancing life (boy and home) and work. I love it!
This week I start my prenatal yoga class. I signed up for 10 weeks as I'm hoping it will be beneficial. I'm also hoping it works with Gary's schedule. I'm trying to be much more active this time around (with the other two, I just walked a lot and did some swimming and biking). The reason? I want to be strong for labour, and also, I want it to be an easier process to get back into shape afterwards. Also, I'm hoping it will lead to less discomfort towards the end as I really do not do well in that 9th month. Today Kai and I went for a little run, it felt really weird as it was more of a fast walk/waddle:) The easiest things to do are ride the recumbent bike at home and walk with the kiddos, so that will continue to be my biggest source of exercise. I did three weeks of aquafit with Jackie which was awesome (I slept so well afterwards!) but being that her baby was due 9 days ago, she likely won't be doing aquafit with me in the future!
I believe that next week I can find out what we are having!! I will be 21 weeks excited! Not sure if we will be sharing the info but my sister Jan is adamant that we are having a girl based on the Chinese gender predictor calendar:) I feel really good. Baby is moving a lot more and I love it. I can't wait for the boys to feel it too, they really want to.
Some bad news is that we got an email yesterday saying that the adoption agency we are with has closed down due to financial reasons. I have many different emotions. First off, I am heartbroken for the families that have been waiting to bring their little ones home, some have been waiting years. I think especially of those who are waiting for their first child. There was very little information given but I really hope and pray that they are able to transfer their files (home study, educational component, birth letters etc) to another agency with minimal cost and time involved. I know we still would like the option of adoption after this babe so I will have to look into it this week (if we can transfer our files). If we cannot, I will be pretty upset about the investment we had made (time, money, emotional) and I don't know if we would go through it all again.... I am so thankful that we are pregnant because I don't think I would've handled this news well at all. In fact, it would have broken my heart. At the same time, I feel guilt that we are pregnant and therefore, this does not affect us as much right now.
Totally changing gears here...I just read `Heaven is for real' and I liked it. It takes less than 2 hours to read but it made my heart happy thinking of my mom in heaven with a grandchild (the early miscarriage we had this summer), her dad and brother. If you haven't read it, it's about a 4 year old boy that nearly dies when his appendix ruptures and he says that during the surgery, he went to heaven. It talks about the people he met and also his experience of being with Jesus. Sounds a bit crazy, I know, but I'm glad I read it.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Love, Louise