Yesterday, I dropped the kids off at my sister Maria's and then went and got Gary at school. I've taken the skytrain 3 different times over the last week and every single time I've gotten a seat, they are just running so many trains, it's perfect! We made it downtown by about 4:15pm and we started at Main Street/Science world.

Spoiled guy trying to decide which lens to use:) He decided on the 24-70mm (wide angle) for most of the time and I used my 50mm. The second we got there, we were just so excited. It was a gorgeous sunny day (14C I guess?), the kids were back in Langley, and everyone was sooooo full of Canadian spirit. Red everywhere. The Russian house wasn't letting anyone else in so we just started our walk from here all the way towards waterfront to see the cauldron.

There's some art along the waterfront at Science World. Lots of playground stuff for kids too. I do want to say that I'm glad we took the kids a week ago, and that they got to be part of the Olympic spirit. However, yesterday we were planning on covering a lot of ground and staying out past 7 pm so it was such a nice change to just be Gary and I.

Welcome signs everywhere:)

These are all the inukshuks at Science World, see Gary in there?

I would recommend doing this part in the day time because you won't be able to see them very well at night.

I can't tell you how fun it was to just worry about ourselves and enjoy each other and just soak in the atmosphere. It is so friendly, positive, and prideful (in a good way!) down there.

Could the day be any more beautiful??

On the way to the Plaza of Nations...they have some live shows there and a ton of food vendors. Fun atmospere.

We then walked to Granville Street (maybe a 20 min walk from the Plaza of Nations) where there was a ton of art and also street performers. We had already seen this part so we just kept going towards Waterfront to see the cauldron for sunset.

Okay, this picture below is out of order but I just need to tell you about the coolest part of the night. We had left the cauldron around 6pm and were walking towards Robson street. People were gathered around restaurants and pubs that had the game showing on tv's. People would stand together and cheer Canada on. It was so patriotic. We watched the OT that way and then went to watch the shoot out while on Robson Street. It was absolutely crazy but in a safe and fun way:) Thousands and thousands of people cheering.

When we won in overtime, everyone just kept cheering `Go Canada, Go!' and Gary was high fiving with strangers, and as you crossed major streets the people coming towards you would start cheering and it was awesome. There was no violence at all and I would feel completely safe with my kids there (except for the fear of losing them in the crowds!). The outfits people were wearing were crazy and yet, it seemed normal. Spandex, boas, whatever you want! I would say that if you could be there during a hockey game, do it!

Everything was neat and clean and there were volunteers around, able to direct you if you needed it. I would recommend spending some time at Robson Square where the skating rink is. We did spend some time there but didn't take any pictures. The zipline line up had a 4 hour wait and had just closed for the night. I think that would've been something I would want to do but maybe only wait 2 hours for. Robson square is really pretty and lit up and during the day it has a lot to see too.

(By the cauldron)
They now have a line up for the cauldron if you want to see it from above. Gary and I did wait in this line. It said 30 minutes but it took more like 45. That was totally fine with us, and worth it. You get a view of the rings and the cauldron while you walk along the top of the building.

The rings were all lit up in gold because of the gold medal yesterday!

We got some sushi around 7:30pm, after the game, and then we started to head home.

We took a look at the Bay's Olympic Store but it was CRAZY busy so we didn't actually go in. We left for home around 8pm and the skytrain was not busy at all. I think if I was young and full of energy, I would've stayed down town, on Robson, a lot longer. It was just such a positive atmosphere.

Overall, a fantastic date for Gary and I. I've realized that taking pictures of people is my favourite thing, but it was still fun to take shots around town. Gary got some good shots but he wants to
HDR them so I may post them later.
Finally, my sister had brought my kids home and put them to bed for us! Isn't that awesome? My kids snug in their own beds when we got home. So nice.
Go Canada, Go!!