Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday Fall Edition

 Hi friends! Wow, so I  was a faithful blogger for about ten years and then took a break while going back to work teaching. Every time I log onto here to update it in some way, the platform/dashboard is so different and I feel myself aging rapidly. I do love having updates here for several reasons:

1. I love seeing what we were doing so it is easier to make our photobooks.

2. If anything ever happened to me, my kids would have a record of sorts. That said, I am really trying to limit personal information about them because, well, the Internet is a wild place and I want their consent on all I post.

Well, it's Thursday so you know what that means: Thankful Thursday. This is what I am thankful for this week:

Thankful Thursday

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thankful Thursday: A Pandemic Summer

Thankful Thursday

Hi friends! It has been a while since I have spent some solid time on here and I want to thank you for checking it out. Well, this has been a unique summer! I went through all the feelings, like many of you did, from "What are we allowed to do?" "What is a proper bubble?" "Will we have school in person?" "Will we have sports camps?" and "WHAT ARE THE RULES EXACTLY?" (in caps because I am a rule follower). I have been able to practice gratitude throughout the time and I recognize my privilege of having a home, steady income, healthy family members, medical coverage etc which has made life a lot easier. Also, the fact that Gary and I are both teachers and able to stay home this summer has been huge. We have truly used this time to restore our bodies by getting ample fresh air, enough sleep, healthy home cooked meals AND Gary and I have been able to work out almost every single day. Besides resting and trying to figure out the rules, here are some things we have been up to this summer that I am grateful for:

Parenting During a Pandemic as a Perfectionist


"Do we have to wear masks in the classroom?" "Will we have cross country races?" "Will there be running club?"  "How will Halloween work this year?" "When will we have sports?" "Can I hug my friends at school?" Those are just a few of the sample questions that I get asked daily that I do not have answers to. I recently read this article "Your 'Surge Capacity' is Depleted–It's Why You Feel Awful" and it touched on so much of how I am feeling. 

"It’s harder for high achievers,” she says. “The more accustomed you are to solving problems, to getting things done, to having a routine, the harder it will be on you because none of that is possible right now. You get feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and those aren’t good.” 


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Getting a Pet: Our Three-Month-Old Kitten

Introducing our three-month-old kitten, Kinley Cuddles Chapman aka Kinz. She is our first official pet other than a whole lot of fish that we have tried to keep alive over the years. Nya has begged us for years to get a kitten and we always said "no" because we travel a lot and I don't want to have to worry about would care for the kitten. 

Our three month old kitten

However, once COVID hit, we knew we would be home for a long time and were craving any cuteness to add to our Quarantine Crew, so we considered the idea. Gary sort of said "okay" finally after making it clear that he was not going to take care of her in any way. It was more difficult than I thought to find a healthy little kitten and finally I found one through a friend of mine; she had one left...

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday: Pandemic Edition

Hello friends! I wasn't going to post because I feel with social media everyone knows how I'm doing but then I realized, this time is a once in a lifetime and perhaps my kids will want to read back on what life was like. COVID-19 has shut down our schools, non essential businesses and travel and has had us in our homes for nearly two weeks already. Canada has just under 4,000 confirmed cases (with 659 in BC) and we're hoping flatten the curve. We did go to Ucluelet at the start of Spring Break but did not leave the car on the ferry and only visited beaches in Uclulet/Tofino. We have been going for walks as a family each day but definitely adhering to social distancing rules of 2 m between us and others. We have not had anyone in our home in almost 2 weeks. We have yet to visit the grocery store so we're getting to some interesting meals with those cans of artichokes we have.

Alongside the anxiety, fear and sadness have been peace and gratefulness. So many of our loved ones are out there working in healthcare and here we sit at home. Yes, balancing the kids' needs with our own may be hard, but if we just stay home we will be okay!

What am I grateful for in this time?

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Musings

It is has been a while! I love this space because it has recorded our family growth over the years but also my personal development as well.  I'm teaching every day and dream of having a couple of days off each week--I wonder if a job share option would work in a high school semester situation looking forward. We will see. One day a time!

Here are some things that have happened over the past month or so:

1. My niece got married! It was a beautiful wedding and just what I would dream of for my own kids. I'm so happy for them both as they are such a wonderful couple together. Nya was able to be a flower girl which was special for her and I'm grateful she was invited to be part of it. My niece, Delaney, was a flower girl in our wedding 15 years ago! Nya Bear was fighting a respiratory virus on the day (and since) so it was not ideal and she didn't get to dance but she did really well.

Thursday, January 09, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Hello, friends! Welcome to 2020. I wrote a post about my highlights from the last decade and my hopes for the next (health and financial freedom). I hope your start to the year has gone well. Here in the Lower Mainland we are looking at a forecast full of snow which we have yet to see this winter so it is kind of exciting.

Here are some things I am thankful for over the past week (and going back into the holidays we had). My goal for the winter break was rest. I was quite sick going into it and it took the full two weeks to get my energy back. This week I am thankful for:

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Highlights of One Decade and Goals For the Next

I love looking back to see where I have been and then goal setting for all that is ahead. Here are five main highlights from the past 10 years: