Isn't he so cute?! Unfortunately he learned how to stick his finger up his nostril this week and I don't know how to get him to stop! Do I ignore him? Tell him its yucky? It's a little bit funny but not really when we're in public. Oh, one other thing...we started praying with him at night and he loves holding his hands together and giggles when we say `Amen' and he will say his rendition of `amen'.
Tonight we went out for Chinese food, well, Western Chinese food. We go about 2x per year and all I want is the sweet and sour pork. I KNOW its bad for you but its just so good in a bad way. Each time we go, it reminds me of our honeymoon trip to Alaska where we ate out just a handful of times (we camped most of the way). One day, when we were in Ft. Nelson, we went out for Chinese food and stayed in a nice hotel due to the rain. It's always nice to eat out and and stay in a hotel after camping for a couple weeks! That was a great day. We saw some amazing things on our trip up to Alaska and if you ever go, Valdez was our favourite town ever. Unfortunately, our pictures were all deleted from our camera when we tried to upload them to the computer. One day, we may have to do the trip again....another highlight was Liard Hotsprings in Northeastern BC...oh ya, and all the buffalo and moose. Now, its time for Gary's homemade apple pie. I usually do the baking and he does the cooking but we switched it up a bit this week cuz we're fun like that:).
I will leave you with an old Chemistry joke that I told my class today. Some kids laughed.
Sodium and Chlorine were walking down the street.
Sodium: `Hey, you stole my electron!'
Chlorine: `Are you sure?'
Sodium: `I'm positive!'.