Thursday, May 31, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
A New Chapter
In September all three of our biological kids (yes, that's how you talk when you have bio and foster kids) will be in school full time. I hadn't given it much thought as to what I would do work-wise once that happened and this spring I suddenly realized what was on the horizon. Knowing that our baby girl was likely transitioning home around the same time I needed to consider if we would continue fostering or if I could use this new-found freedom for something else.
Monday, May 28, 2018
One Strategy to Nurture Your Child's Brain
As a parent of 12 years I have come to realize that there is a lot more to it than I initially thought. Sure, there are the basics that I knew about such as the importance of sleep, healthy food and safety but then there is this whole other realm of meeting their emotional needs. Often it takes a more than a hug when they're sad to actually make everything better and each child is so different. Your child may get wrapped up in anxiety or be very angry and have a tantrum or meltdown or they may shut down all together. I find we often expect adult behaviour from our young children and that is a very important realization to have – their brains aren't fully mature until they are in their 20's (or longer for those with executive functioning issues).
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Thankful Thursday
I want to skip Thankful Thursday this week. I'm feeling so mentally drained. It's been busy with Gary gone last week and then an increased amount of appointments/visits/driving for baby, throw in some new meds for one kid and another kid spraining his ankle (possibly breaking a bone in his foot?) and I just need to a break from parenting for a bit. One thing I never pictured when I saw myself as a mom was spending so many hours at doctors/specialists etc. So, sometimes when I feel this way I know I need to step up my healthy eating and fish oils, exercise a bit more and practice gratitude. we go.
This week I am thankful for:
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Nya Turns Six
Our "baby" is now six years old. I am so thankful for her and the huge dose of sweetness she brings to our family. She can keep up with her brothers on almost any hike and is eager to do whatever the boys are (except riding without training wheels–we'll get there). She loves all things pink, purple and sparkly and dreams of wearing makeup one day. She doesn't want to get married and would like to live with us forever. She doesn't want to have children (due to the labour/delivery part) but I have a feeling that may change over the years.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Thankful Thursday
Gary was gone this week on a canoeing trip (Powell River chain) so I am thankful that he should be home tonight! I held down the fort and for the first time there were no mechanical issues OR illnesses while he was gone.
This week I am thankful for:
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Thankful Thursday
This past week involved some big decisions in regards to our future in fostering and what I hope to do once our baby girl moves home. I'll share more when I know more but I am feeling peace in the whole situation. I should say "peace-ish" because there are so many factors and unknowns in fostering but if all goes according to plan then things will look different around here in the next year. So, with big decisions being made, I am thankful to all those that were able to help answer my questions and encourage me when sometimes I'm afraid of big "scary" changes. Alongside that, here are some other things that I am thankful for this week...
Sunday, May 06, 2018
What I Learned from My Mother by Watching Home Videos
As I move further along in this parenting journey (I almost have a teenager, folks) the more I wonder how my parents did it with five daughters in eight years. I recently spent several hours watching old home videos of my childhood and found it interesting to see my memories from a different lens – that of a parent now myself. There was one major realization that occurred:
My parents were so relaxed.
My parents were so relaxed.
Thursday, May 03, 2018
Thankful Thursday
I have been blogging since 2005. I have enjoyed this place to journal and share and plan to continue doing so but at a much slower pace. It is still important as a record of my kids' lives with the trips we've done and the photos I've taken but I feel like I can't expend energy on writing posts unless it's a topic I'm very passionate about and doesn't take up too much time. There are so many voices out there screaming for your attention and I only want to share what I think is actually worth your time. These Thankful Thursday posts are personal and therefore those that know me may enjoy getting more insight into our lives or finding out about cool new products or places we've discovered but I'm totally okay if you skip them because your time is valuable.
I will continue to try to blog twice a week but if I don't for the next few months, I'm not putting any pressure on myself. Life is busy and full to the brim with great things (and less fun things as well). As with anything in life,
"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”– Howard Thurman
Please excuse the majority of these photos being phone photos but for the first time in my life I have been too busy (and sick) to pull out the real camera!
This week I am thankful for:
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