He has now discovered his face in the mirror (that's what he's looking at on the top right corner). Look at all the toys kids have these days...when I was his age...He is now able to hit them with his hands and I'd say he has great hand/eye coordination. Of course I'd say that, I'm his mom.
Oh boy...being trapped in the house all day is not so fun. Today I put on my rainboots, rain jacket and rain pants and ventured outside. What have we been up to this week? Well, this is what I've realized:
1. When something finally works to calm Kai down, it only lasts a week or two. This week it is looking in the mirror or being attacked by the `Kissy MOnster'...oh boy, sometimes I wonder if everyone is as silly behind closed doors!
2. To clip a baby's nails you practically have to be a brain surgeon.
3. There's no greater feeling
than him practically hyperventilating seconds before I pick him up because he's so excited!
4. He really doesn't listen to me when I tell him to stop crying, even if I use a firm voice:) I keep thinking that he should understand me by now...ya, not quite.
5. So, since I'm missing out on teaching science I've developed a highly sophisticated experiment on diaper covers (we use cloth diapers). We have about 5 different kinds and todays is looking pretty good so far(its the cheapest and the least high tech of all the ones we have). Besides being absolutely disgusting to clean the diapers in the toilet, the other drawback is that the diaper gets so wet that the cover can't hold it all in and we've had leakage. Anyway, I"m trying to determine if its the size of the cover or the type...I'll keep you posted:)
6. The most exciting thing of my day is that I found a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies and I got a coupon for $1 off of crunchy peanut butter...times have changed.