Thankful for:
A great find on craigslist....Nya's big girl bed! With the boys, we used a small car toddler bed which they loved but then they switched to a big boy bed a year later. Our car bed now belongs to my nephew and so I wanted to get Nya a bed that would last her for 15 years. This bed is a single daybed WITH ample storage underneath which converts to a double bed if need be! So versatile. I hope it's as good as I think it is. It's in perfect condition and was about 60% off. The only drawback was that Gary had to drive to West Van to get it so we did have to pay about $30 in gas and tolls. So worth it though. It is in our spare room right now but I think we'll switch her over when she's two.

{PS Thank you to my friends Lisa and Leah for helping Gary and I get the bed in the house!}
Nice camera equipment. When we were talking years ago about whether we should start a business (we had no idea what we were doing!!), Gary convinced me it was a good idea because worst case scenario, we would just end up with a lot of good pictures of our kids. Done. I was sold. Love that I have the equipment to pretty much take photos wherever and whenever.
Kai going back to school. I love my Kai Bear but wow, that kid NEEDS school more than anyone I've ever met. Over the break, I would suggest doing his school book (Costco workbook) and he would do more than I even asked. He loves learning. He loves sitting and doing school work. For hours. I was nerdy like this too, folks.
Babies. One of my sisters is pregnant and I don't have to keep it in anymore!! There will be very few babies (if any?) after this, it just seems to have gone so quickly! Congratulations to Jackie and Tyler. You can read her blog post about it
Koen enjoying his swimming party. I think sometimes I feel bad if I just make things simpler and don't go all out for the kids, but then I realize, it's totally fine. Koen's goal was to do the waterslide and he did.
6. Sinus Rinses. I'm pretty congested and I love how the sinus rinse clears me up every morning! I was very skeptical and nervous about them a year ago. However, after months of sinus infections last year, this guy helped me out immensely. PS You don't need to buy the sinus rinse, once the packages run out, just make your own with previously boiled water, salt and baking soda.
7. Heaven. It keeps everything in perspective for me. When my dad had a heart attack 8 years ago, his heart stopped and he was able to experience part of what happens when you die. He said he has never felt so much peace and the colours were amazing. He would've been happy to go. They brought him back a couple of minutes later.
8. Trust. When my mom got diagnosed with cancer, I was about 22 years old and it rocked my world. I read everything I could get my hands on about why this would happen. Not scientifically, but why God would allow it to happen. In the end, I came to the understanding that I cannot understand all the pieces at work and therefore just need to trust God. A verse that I relied on was `Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.' Proverbs 3:5-6. This was huge because as a science major, you try to understand how and why things happen. In this case, I had to let it go. It was scary but also liberating. This week while cleaning my desk, I found this. It was given to my mom in Sunday School, June 1963 as inscribed on the back:
9. Stickers. The boys never liked them as much as Miss Nya does!
10. My thyroid health. January 2013 was my last blood test that indicated my thyroid was out of range. For one year now, I have been 100%. Awesome.
I hope you are having a great week. This year I am doing less and so far it feels really good :)
Love, Louise