Thursday, October 30, 2008
Girl Names Please!!!
Gary is really not helpful at finding/discussing baby names. I'm not trying to say my husband is useless in this area but I have spent HOURS looking into names (via internet sites) and he `allows' me 5-10 minutes a week to go over some with him while he grunts yes or no to possibilities. I don't want to spend hours more on this.
Finally, it cannot rhyme with Kai which omits all Mya/Kya etc. which are fun sounds that I like.
If there are 70 people that read this every day, surely someone must have a good idea!!!
Watch this baby be a boy:)
Recovery Day
(My niece Ani...they have great lighting at their place!)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Busiest Sunday EVER
(We were so rushed but I found a doggy hat that fit my head:))
(Kai throwing the ball to try to knock over the pins)
(Kai with cousin Kieryn helping clean up)
Okay, time to unwind and relax and get ready for work tomorrow. Bon nuit.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Helping Daddy
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Kai's love of letters!
The three words he knows how to spell...he can spell them out with blocks now. He was in his blinking stage during this video but this stage has now passed. He will just do it for fun now saying `Mommy, look at me, I'm blinking!!!'
We have started reading a Children's bible with him after dinner and he LOVES it. He always asks about Adam, Eve, Noah, Moses, and Goliath. I'm nervous he's going to try to throw a rock at someone when they are being mean but I guess I can't shelter him from the violent old testament stories forever:) Yesterday when he woke up, he said with anticipation, `Mommy, can we read the Bible?'. So cheesy but so cute:)
This morning we went to the doctor. My blood sugar tests came back good, as did my hemoglobin levels. My uterus is measuring 28 inches and I've gained 17lbs overall. The heart rate was 148...I'm calling it as a girl still. A big one too. It was my shortest meeting with the doctor ever but I don't think I had a single question and I did have Kai with me so it was probably a good thing! This baby is such a mover. I really do not remember Kai moving this much. I am awoken various times throughout the night to the baby rocking and rolling. The movements are very uncomfortable already.
Finally, I used my gift certificate for Spa Utopia today!! Maria babysat Kai and I had an hour to shop at Costco (where I bought new pj's for myself!) and then get my third trimester massage. It was great and I wish I could have one once a week:) My only complaints were that it was too hot in there and also, she didn't massage my toes. I could've asked I guess because I LOVE foot massages more than anything...besides English toffee maybe. I think I will get a pedicure/foot massage in December sometime. It was 50 minutes of relaxation and I enjoyed every one of those minutes. Oh, except for when she rubbed my face. I don't like that. Only my forehead is okay. Wow, I'm not making this sound very positive but it was really, really nice. It reminded me of when Gary and I were on our honeymoon (yes, this is appropriate). We went to the Kingfisher Lodge for 3 days where we had AMAZING food and AMAZING massages/wraps etc. I would really recommend it!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
28 Weeks!
While Kai was napping this afternoon (yes, back to napping!!! Woohoo!!!), we went outside and took a few belly pics utilizing the few coloured leaves we have around our house.
Pumpkin Patch!
(Hugs for the baby!)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kai's first blog
I told him what letters to look for and he found them. He learned quickly that you don't hold down the letter. I guess he thinks a z is an s. not bad. The `I' confused him a lot because it doesn't look liked a regular captial I (if that makes sense).
Thursday morning
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sleep in!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Third Trimester...27 weeks
Thanksgiving weekend
1. Kai saw the giant hay bales in the white plastic while we were driving and exclaimed so excitedley, `Toilet paper!!!'
2. Kai is coughing non stop. Grrrr.
3. We had a wedding on Saturday and I'm currently going through the 1700 pictures:) The weather was perfectly cloudy and I think we got a lot of gooders.
4. Thanksgiving dinner #3 tonight.
5. Kai is funny. He usually is allowed to come into our room in the morning and hang out with us in bed for 5 minutes or so. He likes to climb `Mommy mountain' and `Daddy mountain', turn on our music, and just be silly. I asked him why he was up so early today (6:15 am) and he said very contemplatively, `Well, because....I waked up!'. He is still curious about each new word he hears and is quite happy with the explanation for things like `pal'. HOwever, daddy's explanation for `election' was a little over his head!
6. I have gained 15lbs and its all belly. I'm suprised how many people have said that I'm still quite small. I think because its just a ball upfront it may not look that big? All I can say is that this baby is big already. I can feel the full length of it stretched out and kicking about 3 inches above my belly button. I find that the most comfortable position is lying on my side and I try to lay on the couch for 1-2 hours each evening. This makes me feel like my abdomen/uterus has ample room. Sitting is not comfortable as the baby pokes out in all directions.
7. Well, Kai just asked me to play puzzle with him so I better be a good mommy. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that Saturday morning I got more mad at him than I have ever been with him. He needed a diaper change before we dropped him off at gramma's for the day and he refused. I had to pin him down and then he started spinning (with a dirty diaper) and `stuff' went everywhere. I was so frustrated! I didn't swear or anything but the tone I used with him was quite harsh and the feelings of anger I had in my head did not diminish for a good hour! I would say that my hormones have def. increased my ability to get angry fast. Gary can prob. attest to that!
Friday, October 10, 2008
More Daddy Time
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Two Vehicles
(The only picture I have from the last couple days...we threw some rocks in the river at Derby Reach. We were checking to see if the leaves had changed colour there for future photo shoots, but alas, they were just green and yellow)
I thought i would post quickly since we have a busy week ahead of us. I have realized that having 2 vehicles is awesome HOWEVER, it may lead to less exercise and spending more money. I hope not! It's def. nice being able to run errands while Gary is at work, rather than rushing out when he gets home. The van drives very well and is now nice and spiffy inside:) I somehow have more school work then I did last year and I'm not entirely sure why. It could be that I have classes that are a bit harder to manage and so I collect everything for marks to ensure they are working the whole time (rather than just doing a lab/activity for fun). It's crazy to think that all the work I'm doing from Sept-Christmas is going towards the van....oh well, at least I like my job!
I am now at a stage where I am really putting on the pounds and my belly is expanding almost painfully. Last night, from 1-2am I was in quite a bit of pain. I'm not sure what it was but it was like my uterus was just holding one long contraction. Everything is fine today but I'm kind of at a stage now where I get a bit nervous. I just need this baby to stay safe and sound inside of me. I haven't had the painful leg cramps at night yet and I am def. dreading that. My newest craving/love is chocolate milk. I LOVE IT!!!!!! We are set on our boy name and our girls first name flucuates daily with all similar type names....all start with either E, A or M:) I want a cute short name but I think we are going for a `longer' name with a cuter nickname?! As of today, we may have it. I keep anticipating that this baby will behave perfectly. Everyone seems to have a really good 2nd baby and Kai was pretty nuts so I'm thinking it better not be worse!
We now have a conference for the next two days, then a wedding, then thanksgiving celebrations. I'm trying to think if Kai has said anything funny over the last few days. Kai now asks what every word means so i have to watch what i say. Example: `Mommy, what does turd mean?' Yesterday, he held up his chewy fruit snack that was shaped like a banana or something and he said `Look mommy, a penis!' and then he found another one and said it was another part of the male anatomy. He's such a boy. His fish Kiki died this morning. We were honest this time and explained that he had died. He is very curious about why it died. I tried to explain that it was old and sick. He wanted to know how it got sick. So hard to explain. Now, when he doesn't want something he says that its dead. We'll have to work on that.
Well, better get marking before the pile gets too big. Gary and I are def. planning a mini weekend away before the baby comes so I really hope we follow through with that. It will prob. just mean getting a hotel in Vancouver to eat yummy food and take some photos which sounds good to me! Bon nuit.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Our weekend in the Fraser Valley:)
Friday, October 03, 2008
(helping roll the dough)
Here are just a few pics of Kai helping me with dinner. To be honest, I do not enjoy having him help me in the kitchen. I would rather do it quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately Diego is only 20 minutes long so he was around to help me for the last 30 minutes of samosa preparation. I think it's cute when he helps, but, its def. messy and time consuming!
(filling them with potato/pea mixture...he would eat half and then put half in the dough. If we were cooking for anyone but ourselves, there's no way he'd be allowed to help!)
Okay, I'm supposed to be doing some school work since my brain feels better tonight. So, I will be brief:
-glucose test tomorrow morning. I'm going right at 7 am so hopefully there is no line?
(he sticks his tongue out when he's thinking, just like Gary. By the way, we baked them, not deep fried them. Not bad, not bad.)
-my brain has been feeling like I just wrote a Calculus exam. You know that feeling? Where your head hurts because you've worked so hard mentally?
-I visited my friend in the hospital tonight who had a baby on Wednesday. I'm nervous about the first week of C-section recovery but she seems to be doing well and baby Seth is happy, healthy, and content so that is good!
-went to a funeral for a friends dad today (Frank Kooger). He was just 55 years old. Brought back a lot of memories but it was so great to hear laughter there as people shared funny stories about him. I fear loss again. You never know.
-Sunday we have the Run For the Cure again. We do it every year and this year, I am not running. I'll just do the 1km walk with Kai. I think we'll take our van there:)
-we have a wedding next Saturday, I'm hoping the rain will be gone by then and the leaves will very autumny!