2. Saturday I had two football games. Then, I got home and showered and Gary and I went to the Keg for our 6 year anniversary dinner. My dad, who is a germaphobe, and Joanne, babysat our sickly kids in our germ infested abode. My dad let us take his convertible which I think Gary really liked a lot:)
3. Sunday we did the Run For Water in Abbotsford. We just did the 5km run and Gary pushed the boys in the stroller. Kai was great and Koen cried the whole time for me. He is sooooo not himself. It was a good route but it drives me nuts weaving in and out of people who run and then walk. My biggest pet peeve; people who slow down running down hill. Get out of my way people!! My time wasn't great (32 minutes) but I'll take it (I was 45/178 in my division). My niece got first place in the 13-19 year old division and ran it in 22 minutes! Crazy kid! I came in 1 minute after Gary and what's the first thing Kai says to me? `Why were you so slow mommy?'. Thanks kid.
4. I am going to try to get Koen into the doctor tomorrow because he has not been himself for a week now. The fevers are gone but the cough is unbelievable, he can't catch his breath. I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow because my there is so much pressure in my ears.
5. Had a gigantic family session today (extended family made up of 5 kids and their families) which was in a beautiful yard. I still have another wedding that I haven't started editing so it will be a busy, busy week. Looks like Kai won't be able to go to preschool tomorrow, due to his cough, which is so frustrating as he's already missed a whole week.
If you have any tips for draining your sinuses, let me know! Koen's got our humidifier so I think I'll just have a shower before bed to try to clear my head a bit. So annoying to have a head cold when it's 18C out!
The end.
I hope that you are all feeling better soon!