1. I am now an affiliated photographer for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. I've read the training manual but am hoping that I don't get a call before the official training in June. I'm pretty nervous about it all, mostly about my emotional well being after a session. I won't be able to blog about it so I'll just need to make sure I can debrief with Gary.
2. Kai and Koen had a `sleepover' in Kai's room last night. I heard Koen wandering around at 3am looking for me downstairs. They have been waking up at 6am every day for the past month which is pretty exhausting especially since Koen stopped napping months ago. We are thinking of redoing the `baby room' to be a room for both Kai and Koen as it is the bigger room. Then, we would make Kai's room into the nursery. It doesn't seem like too much work, just painting and new furniture, but I'm nervous to do it. How will I do with an empty nursery all ready to go? However, I think I will feel better having everything ready to go if/when we do get `the call'. Any opinions on two twin beds vs bunk beds for the boys?
3. Work has been good but a bit too busy. May, June and July will and have been crazy but August will be my recovery month as we just have two weddings and 2.5 weeks of holidays in between them! We are booked as much as I would like into October so that's pretty much it for the year. I am constantly re-evaluating everything seeing how we can improve and how I can not work so much:)
4. I bought Kai some new (to him) shoes today. He saw them and said, `Those are so cool. I'm going to cry!'. Ha. And just a side note on my children, boy, do they talk a lot. It's exhausting. Another funny comment from Kai...we were at the community party this weekend and we got tons of free stuff. Anyway, some businesses were handing out free cloth bags. Kai got one and was so excited saying, `Woohoo! I have my own purse now!'.
5. I've been feeling off. Not sure what's going on. Headaches, pain in my chest, restless leg syndrome....grrr...so frustrating. I've also had TMJ dysfunction for about 10 years but it has gotten worse so I recently saw an oral surgeon about it. He recommends physiotherapy. Problem is that you need to go about 3 times a week for 2 months. Sorry, that doesn't work for our family considering the one he recommended is about 30 minutes away. He also recommended having the physio work with my posture which apparently sucks. I know. I know none of these are serious, just annoying:)
Okay, gotta go!
Kai cracks me up! He is so funny.
ReplyDeleteSorry you're feeling "off" :(
Calcium deficiency?
ReplyDeleteI vote bunk beds. I LOVE ours.
feel better soon.
1. yes - it would be SO important to be able to debrief with Gary after a session like that! What an honor to work with them.
ReplyDelete2. bunk beds save room, but with Taeya's loft bed, we found it annoying to get up there and read her stories, etc...but it may have been TOO high.
3. wowee...busy! but so nice to have a quieter August :)
4. hilarious ;)
5. booo! that is not fun. I hope you are able to get something sorted out that will help!
Mel-I wonder if it could be. I know when was pregnant I would have those terrible muscle spasms in my legs from lack of calcium....my diet just hasn't changed at all. confusing body of mine. I think we will go with bunk beds!
ReplyDeleteAli-they must've gotten it from Gary. Boy, can he talk my ear off:)