Tuesday, November 02, 2010


{They were flying around VERY quickly trying to keep Koen away from me so he didn't need to have a nap.}

Life is good. I feel like we are into a good routine. The boys are at a stage where they play well together; usually in the basement, outside (making a HUGE muddy mess), or playing with playdough in the kitchen. We go out at least once per day; the park, grocery shopping, Home depot, or to my sisters. etc. I'm not a big play date person. I'm such an introvert but mostly do it for my kids to socialize:) I need to get more exercise in there somehow, but the boys don't do well in the stroller together if I want to jog or get a good walk in. I guess Kai could bike. I miss our family walks...somehow going out in the dark rain after dinner isn't quite the same as it was in the summer time!
Gary and I put in the closet organizer in the basement closet last night. It was not hard at all...it was just sad drilling tons of big holes in our lovely clean wall. Well, I should say mostly clean wall. Koen found a pencil down there and went to town. The bathroom will be finished on Thursday. Awesome. Some random things still need to be done like door knobs and shelves but the basement is totally usable as is right now.
I was worried about having a billion chocolate bars in our house but Kai has done well with the `two treats per day' rule; he can have whatever two treats he wants whenever he wants. I have not done so well with this rule! Yikes! At least my meds were cut in half meaning I'm a little more hyper than hypo right now:)

I've started really wanting a daughter. I think it's by being around my adorable nieces and then always photographing the most beautiful little girls ever...I know, it's not all about the pigtails and the cutest clothes but seriously, wow. I'd be more than happy with either but ya, that is where my heart is now. It was when Kai was this age, that Koen is, that we got pregnant with Koen. I'm so wishing that I knew we were `pregnant' via adoption right now. It's getting harder to trust that it will happen. I actually did discuss pregnancy with my endocrinologist. It is not in our plan at all but could be in the future if it looks like we won't be having a baby in 2011. If you haven't read my thyroid blog, I'm almost off of my PTU which means I'm almost normal (for now:). Trust. Trust. Trust. Patience. Patience. Patience.

Have a wonderful evening.
Love, Louise

1 comment:

  1. Love those pics of the boys...you can just see the "fun" in their eyes.
    As for your pink yearnings...they're totally founded. Mine just happen to be blue...too chicken to do anything about it though :)
