a. I love it
b. I need it
c. I am making a new goal. My desire is to be pre-Kai weight before Koen turns 1. I don't want to lose any more than a total of 20 lbs because it would be too hard to maintain and besides, Gary likes a, um, how do you say it...`enough meat on the bones' type build. No skinny girl for him. Phew!
So, DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!! This was a slow week, and I think it has to do with the above factors and because the last few weeks I lost about 1.5 lbs each. I wish I had a better number to post but...
Weight lost this week: 0.6 lbs (total of 6.4 lbs )
Body fat % lost this week: 0.1% (total of 1.2%)
I know I could've lost more if I had only been able to go on my long run yesterday but alas, I was stuck in the house with 2 sick kids. I did my work out video twice yesterday but I find I don't work up the same kind of sweat. Oh well, next week will just be a biggie! On a more positive note, I have totally improved my running time and am approaching my pre pregnancy time. I used to be able to run 5km in 27 minutes and now I'm at about 31 minutes...getting closer!

Kai. Such a character. He hasn't really learned anything new lately. Because he knows all his letters and can tell me how to spell a word if I sound it out, I thought he might like to learn how to write. He does not. He isn't into colouring and writing so I guess I won't push it. He liked it when we `played' math the other day. We were adding and subtracting cars and he asked if we could play math again the next day.

Kai REALLY loves it if you tell him stories. Loves the three little pigs. Loves anything you make up as long as there are a lot of his favourite things in it. Not so sure what he thought about auntie Jackie's made up story of Roberto Luongo as a kid growing up on the streets of Russia?!
(Julie-Ann, if you are reading this, this jacket is from your mom and it's so cute!)
Here's Chubs getting ready to go on a walk. I LOVE that he will sit quietly in the stroller. He loves looking around and will just drift off to sleep after about 45 minutes. I love walking so I'm so glad I can easily walk with the two of them. He is now in 12 month sleepers and just looks so big to me!
After the walk. He actually looks a bit like Kai here so maybe they have similar eyes and noses? A sleeping baby is just so precious. One reason I would want another baby is because they just grow up too fast. Especially Chapman babies, they just get too big, too fast so they don't look like babies (I know this is a healthy good thing by the way and that I am truly blessed with thriving babies). But ya, we are still 75% sure that our family is complete. Was I at 85% before? Hmmmmmm.....
I'm going to miss these pudgy little hands as he grows up. Aren't they just yummy?! I wish they would stay small and pudgy forever....but that would look strange:) I have to say that the nights this week have been absolutely terrible. He was up 4 times last night at least and two of those time were for dirty diapers....that shouldn't be happening at night anymore. I didn't feed him each time, I just rolled him over and walked out. I think. I have no idea. He does have a cold again (isn't a breastfed baby supposed to have a better immunity?!!!) which is probably while he was being cranky earlier this week and why he is up so much? I am utterly exhausted, especially because Gary is gone and I'm going it alone. I had a sister and bro-in-law come by on Tuesday so I could go on a run and even them just holding Koen made my life so much easier.
This is a Chicken Samosa Pie. If you love samosa's, you will love this. Gary made it for me before he left so I would have a few meals. That's one nice thing about a guy that cooks, I find a recipe and he makes it if I want!
PS There is a space for comments below:) You just click on the link and write something like `Mmm..that food looks good!' `I hope Koen sleeps better tonight!' `Hope you get a good run in this week!' `Chubs is cute'. So, if you don't know what to say, pick one! There are over 100 people who read this per day and generally just 2 comments. Hmmmmmm....
Mackie Mack is reading (looking at all the great pictures) so we'll leave a comment too.
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute. Pudgy hands are the yummyest (spelling?)
You have very cute kidlets. I enjoy reading your blog and think that it is awesome that you made a book out of your older posts. That's a very good idea. I also checked out those friendship photos and they're great as well.
ReplyDeleteKeep on plugging away at your working out because it is very encouraging how dedicated you are to it and it's even cooler that you play football. Good for you! Have a happy Thursday!
Wow, I don't love working out. I like feeling fit but I don't love the workout part. That's great that you enjoy it so much. Good job!
ReplyDeleteI right away noticed how Koen looked like Kai in the eyes-and-nose photo. Family resemblance is cool. Beautiful kids, beautiful photos.
The chicken samosa pie looks delectable. What a blessing are men that cook.
Good job on going it alone with two sick kids!!! It's sure not easy. I hope Koen slept better last night.
sorry....you are better at commenting than I am...don't be mad! I read your blog every day.
ReplyDeleteI'm having similar lack-of-sleep issues with Ri this week, only his wakeups last 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the middle of the night...
about ready to throw in the towel!!!
and DEF. wanting 4.
I look back to having 2 and think, 'gosh life was boring then.' Ha ha. (not that your life is boring! lol)
so, just remember that we all have good weeks and bad weeks when it comes to working out. you are doing an AWESOME job, and you DID lose more weight this week, so remember that too, even if the # isn't what you hoped for.
ReplyDeletethat recipe looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I am SO going to make it!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome. Love the blogs, and the only problem is you make me feel guilty. I have no kids, yet this week I neither cooked anything, or went for a single run. I have a bunch of clothes for you. Nice ones, tags on, just too small for tubbs here.
One suggestion from a long time back - Canadian Superstore hummus in the deli section - get the lime and black pepper. Healthy and super yum.
I am always trying to convince people to have more kids...so, have a third! You wouldn't want to deprive the world of another adorable baby would you? That would just be wrong! :)
ReplyDeleteWay to go on the working out. How do you get the motivation? I just don't ever seem to have the energy...at least that is my excuse this month.
Gary's food looks amazing. I would love a husband that cooked.
12 month sleepers already? Ashlyn is still in 12 month sleepers! I guess that what you get for a kid born at only 2 pounds and that was tube fed for the first 9 months of her life. There can only be good things said about chubby babies. He is so healthy and sweet.
I love the personality that shines through in Kai's pictures. What a cutie-pie!
The chicken samosa pie was good, thanks for a piece...mmmm. Love that gary cooks for you before you go...what a guy!