Here are this week's photos of the day. I've included more information; the lens, ISO, aperture, and shutter speed for those interested in such things. I feel like this project is making me catch more day-to-day things rather than try to work on my skills. I only used my two "regular" lenses this week so hope to pull the 70-200 mm out again next week. I'm also going somewhere really fun on Saturday (yes, purposely vague!) so I'm hoping to capture some sweet images then.
{50mm f/1.4 ISO 3200 f/2.2 1/40th: Night vision goggles}
{50mm f/1.4 ISO 2500 f/2.0 1/200th: Life skills with Nya. Making tortillas using great-grandma's rolling pin. I love the thought of all that rolling pin has made over the years.}
{50mm f/1.4 ISO2000 f/2.8 1/80th: Buddies. "When ______ goes home, do you think we should bring another foster child into our home?" " No, I only want _______."}
{50mm f/1.4 ISO 800 f/3.2 1/500th: Lichen; such a sweet symbiotic relationship between algae and fungus. If you want to remember it: She was "ALL GAL" and he was a "FUN GUY" and they took a "LIKE'N to each other}
{50mm f/1.4 ISO 3200 f/2.0 1/125th: Sleepover attempt. Failed.}
{24-70mm f/2.8 ISO 1000 f/2.8 1/250th: Epiphytes; a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic. BC, you are so beautiful.}
{50mm f/1.4 ISO 3200 f/2.0 1/125th: Sleepover attempt. Failed.}
{24-70mm f/2.8 ISO 1000 f/2.8 1/250th: Epiphytes; a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic. BC, you are so beautiful.}
{24-70mm f/2.8 ISO 640 f/2.8 1/125th: Walk/run/jump through the rainforest. The last two photos were on the same day. Sorry. Not sorry.}
Have a great week, friends. You can also check out my friend Carolyn's Project 365 over at Moments in Mommyland.
Favorite this week is the log!
ReplyDeleteAlso...I notice you shoot with a fairly high ISO. is that in all situations? I usually aim for 800 or less..?
You're right! I try to always stay below 800 too but our house in the winter is very dark and the trail on a cloudy day was also dark :) In the summer it's more like 200-400! THankfully our camera does well in high ISO's!
DeleteI might have to experiment more with this because there are so many situations when I just think "well, I'll have to crank up the brightness or exposure in LR" but I know it's not going to be pretty. Going to play with this a bit. Thanks!
DeleteI liked the rolling pin photo, especially knowing how many generations have used it. Also thanks for the science lessons!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Carol! Hard for me to hold back on a science lesson :)