Sunday, October 17, 2010


The weekend consisted of 4 photo shoots, a little mini family shoot of our own (we did it in 10 minutes...not ideal but it was lunch time:), a trip to Aldor Acres (pumpkin patch which we had a free family pass to!), painting the baseboards, and me getting Koen's cold. I have to say that this cold has knocked me out. I'm exhausted. Koen slept from 6:30pm until 11am, and I had to wake him up! That is how exhausting this cold virus is.
I probably make 5-10 trips to Home Depot each week. I need to make at least one more in the next couple of days to pick up one more light and the linoleum but I just can't go there again. Thank goodness it's less than 5km away:) We're getting our carpet installed tomorrow, isn't that exciting? I can't believe all that we've done in 6 weeks. Although, I can believe it because we have put in a whole lotta hours.
I forgot to put a card in our camera when we went to the pumpkin patch (it was a CRAZY day) so we didn't get any photos was good to just sit back and relax but I love getting nice pictures of the boys with the pumpkins. So, it might be back to the (free) pumpkin patch this week:)
Yes, I will cut his hair. Some time.
I'm growing my hair out and I'm excited about it. I've always wanted long hair but Gary told me once that he liked short hair. So now, I'm growing it for me. And my mom. She always loved my hair longer.
(Gary said look surprised)
I love having a remote shutter release but the only problem is that the boys need something to look at. I should have asked someone walking by with a dog to stand by the we know!! Aren't we cute? I like my new purple dress and Kai in his purple striped shirt.

Hope you all had a great weekend and that you don't catch this cold going around!
Love, Louise


  1. your hair looks so light! And i like it down, but i understand the challenge of having hair down running after kids :)
    great pictures :)

  2. Seriously the cutest little boys, awh!
    Amy had a rough few days last week too, broke out in a crazy rash one day that freaked me right out...
    cute dress too!

  3. my goodness! your boys are sweet:) seems like your hair has grown really quickly... i'm growing mine out too (we'll see how long this lasts:)... where is this other 'free' patch you guys go to??

  4. Erin-the free pumpkin patch is run by someone from our church. It's down 192nd and then you turn right 32nd or 24th. I forget!

  5. kristin heinen6:23 PM

    ahh i totally know that bad virus! i had the same exhausting cold and took over 2 weeks so far to (almost) get over it. love the pics of your family, super cute!

  6. I also will cut Adam's hair... some time :)

  7. AWESOME family pic!!! I love the color of your top:) Oh, and just read the post above (Kai's comments...) Seriously, that child is hilarious!~
