Thursday, March 04, 2010

Quick Update

-Koen has been on antibiotics for 24 hours so far. He has a double ear infection and a some major congestion. We are hoping things start getting better soon. We've been giving him Motrin as well. I hurt for him. He is not sleeping very well at all, I have never seen him have such a little amount of sleep (therefore, me too!). On Tuesday night, he was up from 11pm until 1:30am and then had periodic wake ups. Last night, he finally fell asleep at 9:30pm. We haven't had an ear infection in our household before and man, they are TOUGH. I feel bad for kids that go through this without any pain who are undiagnosed or kids in the world that can't afford it.
-my littlest sister is getting married on Saturday...we our photographing it and I'm also emceeing.
-my sister Maria is pregnant with her 3rd child!
(Maria 12 weeks pregnant with her 3rd)
-my sister Jantina is due with her first child in the next couple of weeks!
-Gary and I are heading out on our getaway in the next couple of weeks. I am praying that Koen is better before we go and that I don't miss the birth of my newest niece or nephew. We are going for a little holiday at the Kingfisher Resort and Spa on Vancouver Island to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary.
-I did our taxes this week and also our business taxes, go me! I was scared to do the business ones but I wanted to learn all about it. I was able to see what all the write offs could be in order to better document stuff in 2010. It was nice to see that I could write off a portion of that ridiculously large van repair bill:)
-Preschool fees go up to $170/month next year...I contemplated not having him return (due to money and also the amount of driving and disrupting Koen's nap), but alas, he loves it and that is my time to work. So, Kai will be going back in the fall.
-Gotta go....have a great week!!


  1. Sorry for Koen's ear infection :( When Taeya was somewhere around 2, she had a double ear and sinus infection. i was thankful for antibiotics! hope he recovers soon.
    very exciting things going on with your sisters right now - much excited anticipation :)
    enjoy your anniversary celebration - i've heard great things about that place, and i'm sure you two will REALLY enjoy it!

  2. Sounds like you have some busy weeks ahead of you!! It will be so nice for you and Gary to get away for a couple days. I hope Koen feels better by then so you are able to enjoy yourself while you're away without worrying about him! Poor guy (and poor mama).

  3. Maria's having #3? That's awesome! Congrats! What an exciting time for all of you!

  4. poor koen. Seriously that sucks; about 5 years ago when i was in alberta at a friends i woke up at 4am with extreme bilateral ear pain. i was ready to go to er, but waited to go to walk in clinic first thing and had that double ear infection, antibiotics work but let me tell you i took tylenol #3 for 2 days. it was rough. poor little guy. lots of extra cuddles hopefully!

  5. Congrats Maria! And Trisha! and Jantina! :)

    Hope Koen feels better soon!

  6. yay, congrats Maria!!!

    Enjoy your getaway! We're getting one too. I was torn but decided that if I bring my pump, I can do it. Two days, one night.
    Yay for mini vacations!

    Poor Kokoes. Matthew had ear infections constantly from September to May every year til he was 3. I couldn't medicate him constantly without damaging his liver and kidneys, so he cried and cried. Ick. As if the kid didn't have enough to deal with in his life.

    Keep us posted on Jantina, too! I'm waiting with excited anticipation. Does she think Dana and I are weird hippie freaks after the books I leant her??? I have a good labour book with a CD too, if she wants. It helped me a ton during labour, and helped my first doula client too.

    How's the thyroid lately?
