Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Entertainer

Koen just makes me laugh all day long...he lives on this table. Please do not notice that there is a box of sugary cereal on the counter.
Today when auntie Jackie left, he waved and said `Bah!' (you know, bye!) over and over. So sweet.

And now I just need to tell you about the record number of shoots we had this weekend. Yesterday: wedding shoot. Today: maternity and engagement shoot. Phew. I will be pretty busy working on those the next week or two!

This is a shot I took at Fort Langley where the maternity shoot was. I think it's so lovely and peaceful.

My sister Jantina is now 1 week overdue...I can't wait for `the call' that she's in the hospital!!!

I finished reading `Water For Elephants' this weekend and it was so good. I would recommend it for sure. You know when it's so good that you can't stop reading and you just wished that it went on forever?

My pictures are done uploading...time to work! Have a lovely evening!
Love, Louise

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE uploading my pics and getting to edit them :) How nice to have a pile to go through! I can't wait to see them - I'm sure they will be great!
