Kai is such an amazing little (now 37lb) boy. Yesterday while watching him play in the lake, I thought he looked like Gary. He def. looks like his daddy but has a wonderful mix of Gary and my personalities. He gives goofy answers like Gary and he likes schedules and playing outside like me. He is laid back, outgoing, energetic and a pretty sweet boy.

(Notice he's eating in the first two pictures, this guy loves his food!)
I can't imagine how different our lives would be if he wasn't in it. He has filled my life up with so much joy, I am so thankful.

He loves all different kinds of cars and is starting to learn the various brands and parts to them. He still loves Diego and his Bubi (blanket). His favourite activity with us is `Jumps and Spins' where we just spin him around or jump over him. He loves other kids and plays quite nicely. His favourite thing to do with Koen is to play chase. He has tons of nicknames but I always call him Kai Bear. Gary has been calling him `snicklefritz' lately. He has become a little more strong willed lately but I think that's all part of trying to be independent.
He has started riding his tricycle more but wants a big boy bike. He has been completely toilet trained for months. He loves helping out with the garden and mowing the lawn. Okay, I could go on forever but I'm on holidays and should probably get off the computer:) Kai bear, I hope you always know, through our actions and words, that you are sooooooooooooooooooooo loved. Love, mommy, daddy and Koen.
love all the pictures! it's crazy that he's three already!