Thursday, January 01, 2009

Twas the day before baby...

Wow. I feel so strange. Hopefully tomorrow at this time, I will be feeding my baby!!! Today, we are taking it super easy which means I'm wearing sweats and reading a book and Gary is watching football.
I think we have prepared him. We watched his first year video and talked about how he was a baby and what it was like when he was a baby. We've read the `Big Brother' book and we've got all the baby stuff out for him to use with his stuffed animals. Tonight we will drop him off at gramma's and I feel sad about that. I have been away from him for 3 nights before (when I was on a school trip to Bamfield last year) and I know he will visit us in the hospital, but still...I'll miss him.
Kai getting ready to play playdough in my old apron...I worked at Purdy's through highschool. Yum.
Kai eating breakfast in front of the tv with his new tray. He is a word/letter maniac. He knows all the capital letters, 1/3 of the lower case, and wants to know what every word starts with. If he guesses, he gets it right about 50% of the time when I make the sound of the first letter. He loves audience participation...he will ask `Mommy, what letters/colours do you see?' when watching the credits. If we are singing a song, he makes sure that everyone gets involved. He makes us laugh a whole lot. He loves it when we tell stories `Once upon a time' style. He has done a few himself which are very cute. I still can't believe he is our little boy:)
I realized afterwards that my eyes are closed but whatever...this is how Kai and I have snuggled and read together these past few months. Next time, baby will be on the outside of my shirt:) I think he really understands what will be happening tomorrow and I'm not really sure what he will do when he first sees that baby but guaranteed it will be documented!
Oh man, do I look tired or what? Well, its not going to get any better! I feel ready for tomorrow. I'm not nervous. I'm interested in how it will be different than last time. I hope I get a good nights sleep and that everything goes as scheduled tomorrow. My back/hips/everything are really starting to hurt so if I had to go to my due date I would've been ridiculously useless this next week. I'm sooooooooooooooooo glad that Gary was on holidays this past 1.5 weeks as it would've been way more tiring with Kai by myself. We've tried (pretty unsuccesfully) to declutter our house to make room for baby stuff. I've realized I have no winter clothes for a baby boy or girl 0-3 months besides sleepers so I'll have to get on that as soon as we find out what it is! The only thing I'm sad about is that due to the C-section, my abdominal muscles will be useless for 4-6 weeks. I know that any delivery requires recovery, but ya. Also, it will be strange to be breastfeeding again. I think it is absolutely amazing but I do get excited for the day when I have my body back to myself.
Gary is just ready for me not to be pregnant anymore. I'm not sure what that means entirely...At this point in life, he would just like to have two kids. This is a strange feeling for me because, will this be the last day in my entire life that I will ever be pregnant? That is a strange thought. I would like to have 3 kids so we will see.....:) I've been reading `Babyproofing your marriage' and its nothing earth shattering but it is an easy read and I wish I had read it before we had Kai because we had a LOT of the issues talked about. Good refresher anyway!
I will not be able to blog until Monday so Gary or my sister may just post a little update tomorrow letting you all know the details. It's so strange in this day of blogging and facebook...word gets out there fast! Thanks for following us on our journey to being parents of 2 kiddos!!!


  1. Good luck tomorrow Louise! You will be in our thoughts and prayers- we can't wait to see if Kai will have a brother or sister!

  2. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Its already January 2 here, so I came to see if you had had the baby, then I realized Im a day ahead... will pray for you and the baby that all goes well. All the best!

    Lynn G.

  3. I'm praying all goes well for you. Get a good sleep tonight!

  4. YAY baby! can't wait to hear the exciting news. I hope it all goes smoothly for you and that Kai adjusts well.
    I know what you mean about wanting your body back to yourself :) Alf was very glad for me to be done being pregnant as well(though maybe not as glad as i was - ha!)

  5. I find it very surreal... thinking about knowing when the last day of your pregnancy is, knowing when your baby is coming or knowing this may be the last time you breast feed. For some reason I find that really intriguing and eerie a good way. Our thoughts and love are with you guys! I hope everything goes great and I can't wait to read about and see all the fabulous pictures of your newest family member!

    PS... if you have a girl and are in need of clothes let me know. I've got TONS!!!!!
