Monday, June 09, 2014

Mini Monday

Just a quick recap of the weekend with a mini post.  We had a wedding to photograph on Saturday and then had Chapman birthdays/Father's Day to celebrate on Sunday.  This morning I babysat three of my nieces so now it's `go time' to try and edit as many pictures as I can while Nya watches `Dora' and then soaks herself with the water table.  

Before I head over to Lightroom, just a few things:

1. Cuteness.  Two year olds are sooooo adorable!!  

2.  Just finished reading this book.  It was interesting to see what a women's prison might look like but it wasn't as good as I thought it might be.  I appreciated the Afterword and the focus on the need for a change in the justice system.  If you are ever looking for a very interesting look at a unique prison, I really enjoyed Marching Powder. 

Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison

3.  Moving on to this book.  I've heard I will cry and I hope I do!  It feels so good to have a good cry once in a while.  Looking forward to a movie night with my friend Leah once I finish.

The Fault in Our Stars

4.  My dad is in Inuvik. In his little Cessna 172.  Pretty soon I will get a little nervous as he heads north east.  You can see where he has been and where he is with the dots.

All right.  Go time.  Have a wonderful day!

Love, Louise


  1. Can I join the movie date? :)

  2. Yes! Will email you details :)

  3. I'm like 800th in line at the library for Fault in our Stars. Looking forward to reading it!

  4. I'd like to see that movie too!!!!

  5. HI Louise..FIrst, I LOVE Your blog. Also..I loved the movie (I watched it on Saturday), and I loved it. Yes, it was a cheesy teen chick flick, but it was very good. I have the book on hold on our library!
