Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Family Photos

We have our family photos this weekend.   Kinda funny since Gary and Nya are sick and grumpy with colds and never ending dripping noses and Nya also took a tumble yesterday (she `needs' to stand on top of everything).   You can't photoshop out `grumpy' but I'm thinking Nya will do anything for a chocolate chip:)   I don't care though, nothing will ever be `perfect' when you have 5 people to take into consideration and 3 of those people are our kids.  Now let's see what the weather does...
And  because it's kind of funny...below is a picture of Nya with her youngest cousin, Grace.  Grace is about 14 months younger and only 5 lbs less than Nya :)
Have a great day!

Love, Louise

1 comment:

  1. It's cold season, got to love it:) bring out the Vicks! Nya and grace make me laugh:)
