Friday, September 03, 2010


Just an update on various aspects of our life:)
I wish that I knew that we were 3 months along in this `pregnancy'. I feel like that would be perfect in so many ways. I think Koen will be a little less monkeyish, our basement will be finished, and we have no weddings booked for February 2011. I'm currently not impatient to have a baby right this second, I feel like 6 months from now would be so perfect. I'm assuming that it will be about 2 years but who knows? I talked with a guy this week who has a biological sibling and then his parents adopted 3 more kids. He said the hardest part was the age difference between the oldest and youngest. The parents had to spend almost all of their time/energy/attention on the youngest ones. I really, really want to keep our kids ages close together. It worked so well to have Kai and Koen 2.5 years apart.

(Gary with my niece, Sami. I did a photo shoot of Sami and her mom and and dad this week. Pictures will be posted on Sunday:)
Okay, so I know other people do renos all the time. We are not handy. I do not do well with chaos and mess. However, in one week, we are starting!!! I'm so excited! We will be adding 700 square feet of useful space to our house by finishing our basement. I don't know how long these things take but I'm giving it two months and hoping it will be done sooner. I'm excited to set up the best playroom ever and have the kids playing down there this winter. They do play there already but I think it will help to have carpet everywhere etc. You know when you just need an hour to yourself? I can say, `Go play in the basement boys!'. So looking forward to it! I'll have to take before an after pictures. So far we have just been getting rid of the mass amounts of stuff we have stored down there. So, if you come and visit in the next two months, you are not allowed to look in our garage or our bedrooms.
My sister is due with her third child this week. I am SO EXCITED. She has had two great natural childbirths already and this time she is using a midwife, I'm so excited for her. I wish I had used a midwife with my Kai bear!!
Gary is back to work which is nice. I can get back to my regular routine with the boys which I have missed. I can't wait for preschool to start!! I think I get more exercise when Gary is at work. When he's home, I mostly work. When he's at work, the kids and I play, go for walks etc. Kai told me today that he wishes he could go to daycare everyday. Too bad buddy, you're stuck with me!! This is the first September that I am not going back to teaching (besides my maternity leaves). It is a strange feeling. I don't know what the future holds. Back to teaching? Continue with photography? I don't know. In the meantime, I'm so thankful to have a job that works so well with our family! Oh yes, on the topic of Gary, he shaved his head today while I was off doing a photo session. He hasn't had a shaved head since we were dating. I think it will take a bit to get used to it!
For the first time since 2005, when we started, we are not having a football team this fall. Amongst all the babies and injuries it was going to be tight on players. I look forward to having Saturdays free-ish and now I just need to make sure I work out on my own!!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Love, Louise


    This is me laughing at you thinking a reno will take two months and HOPING FOR LESS!

    I mean, you're not married to my SNAIL OF A HUSBAND, but renos always, always take looooooooooongerrrrrr than expected...

  2. My friend adopted 2 children through local adoption and I do know that the waiting was hard for her too, however, once they got the call, they had a new baby within several weeks. How exciting to think that your child is already known to God and they are going to join your family!!
    The basement sounds great. My "wish list" includes a playroom. We are really feeling our walls closing in around here.....

  3. i'm sure you will LOVE having your basement finished!
    looking forward to seeing the pictures on Sunday.
    love that your sis is using a midwife - should the Lord decide we ever need another child, i would definitely go that route again.

  4. Melissa, don't scare me!! I can't live in chaos!! We are barely going to do any of it ourselves so as long as I keep getting the pros in here, it should go quickly right??? Oh ya,I don't care if it takes a bit longer to finish the bathroom. I'm assuming that will take the most time.

  5. Whatever the age-gaps between your children, it will end up being perfect for your family! Our oldest 2 are a common 2 3/4 years apart, and then we had our third child 7 years later (took us a LONG time to decide whether or not to have a third) Anyway...what a loved little boy with two parents and 2 big brothers to care for him and teach him things. The oldest and youngest are 10 years apart and they are wonderful friends!

  6. Yes, they are hiring pros - way smarter! Boys will love having room to run around and a bathroom - very smart!
    Adoption - we are excited as well. Hard to be too excited as we don't know when our new niece or nephew coming, but excited to watch your family grow!
    I don't know if I had two of the greatest births....but I hope this one is quick and not too painful (yeah right). I have really enjoyed the midwife route this time so far and am interested to see how things go.

  7. Hey, wanna work out on Saturday mornings? really really early?? :) Could be good! I hear spinning is good?
