Thursday, September 02, 2010

20 Months

Oh Kokies, what a loveable monkey you are. Go, go, go all day long. This month, Koen ended up in Time Out about once every other day. And to be honest, he's really cute there:) For the first 2 weeks or so, he would run away but with a little persistence (aka holding him there) he now stays. The best part is when we talk about what he did that was naughty. He will say `Sushi' (sorry) and then, `Huh' (hugs). I love it when he's says sushi and don't know if I should correct him because I love it so much:)
I love him so much. I feel like I know Kai very well but I'm still getting to know Koen more and more. I guess he is just changing and developing so much of his personality at this age. When Kai was 20 months, he was more verbal but less coordinated. It's interesting how they are so different! I shouldn't say Koen isn't verbal, it's just that his words are usually only understood by Gary and I:) Example: Miw=milk, Hoe=hose. He did say three words together though yesterday, and clearly too: Hot tea mommy. (No, not hottie mommy, I was actually drinking hot tea:).

He loves riding his bike (us pushing him on his bike), playing hockey, running around the mailbox, going the park, Blue (which he now calls Bubi to be like Kai..and it's head is about too fall off), eating, drinking milk, climbing, and emptying everything around (especially if it's hidden/forbidden/makes a big mess). His favourite word is `dirty' and he loves the throw things in the garbage. Oh yes, Kai and Koen love it when I have a shower. They take all the blankets off our king size bed, turn the lights off and our bed side lamps on, turn on the radio and have a dance party. Every. Day.

Koen will not drink water and does not like having dirty hands.

Kokies, you bring so much sunshine into our lives. I can't imagine our family without you. I remember when I was pregnant with you thinking that I could never love another kid like my Kai Bear, but boy, do I ever. Your goofy grin makes my day and I hope you always keep smiling. You are so loved.


  1. It's hard to believe it's Koen in the first photo- he's looking so grown up (like a mini Kai in some ways, though different).

  2. he's so cute :)
    i have to say...i would not be too keen on showering with those antics! :)

  3. Kelly-it's a pain to clean up but at least I know where they are! Otherwise they end up causing mischief like the time we couldn't find them and they were in the van:)

  4. he's got a good head of hair now! happy 20months!

  5. When I saw him today he definately seemed more like a toddler rather than a baby. So cute!

  6. Oh my, who is that big boy in the first picture??
    I can't believe that I have been following your blog for 20 months. It has been fun to watch your boys grow. I also think Mikayla and Koen would make a cute couple!!

  7. What... I feel like you just did the 19 month post a week ago! Time is flying!

  8. That is so funny that your kids do that to your bed....I thought mine were the only ones. Every. Day! You are right it is a pain to clean up, but they laugh and giggle so much when I make a big deal about the covers being all over the floor. It is so worth it!

  9. He's so cute!
    And he kinda looks like an old man with the cute little hat on his head ;).
    ...and don't worry, we all know you are teaching him to say "mommy, hottie!".

  10. He does look so grown-up in that first photo. It took me a second to register who that handsome fellow was.

  11. Nice! I love the picture in my mind of your boys having a dance party on your bed to music every day. so cute!
