I can't wait until Koen can go longer than 2.5 hours in the day between feeds. I'd say 2X a week, he makes it 3 hours. At least he's decent at night. Still though, he should be at almost 4 hours at this point. He has been this way for as long as I can remember. Even Kai, who was a huge eater too, would go at least 3 hours at this age. I AM EXHAUSTED.
As much as I miss breast feeding I definitely don't miss that! There are benefits to formula! How old is he now? could you start him on a little rice cereal?
ReplyDeleteI think maybe some kids are born snackers. Mikayla likes to eat every 2 hours or so unless she is sleeping. My other two were the same way and still are. We have breakfast around 7 and they are starving again by 9, 11, 1 etc. Hopefully he will go longer for you though if you are so tired!
ReplyDeleteI totally understand. I felt like I was strapped to a chair for the first 9 months of the twins life. First I was pumping 8 times a day while they were in the hospital and then I was pumping for Ashlyn and breast-feeding Caelan on a 2-3 hour schedule. It was exhausting! I made it through and I am very proud of myself for persevering. It won't be long now until Koen will be able to start solids and your life will feel like it is yours again. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to wait until at least 4 months...I think I'll start with pears. I hope he likes it!