Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Foster Family Month

October is Foster Family Month here in B.C. and we are just one of the 2,500 foster homes in this province.  What does a foster family look like? Probably just like yours. Well, sort of.  There is likely a higher noise level, more appointments, bigger emotions and a few more kids.  But, there is also an abundance of love, laughter and empathy.

In B.C. there are about 7,000 kids in foster care and only about 2,500 foster homes. There is such a need for more homes; here is a quiz that you can take to see if fostering could be a possibility for you.  The greatest need right now appears to be for babies if that is something that speaks to you!

I don't know how to nudge you, I just know the highest number of people looking into it are in their 30's and learn about it from family and friends (secondly from social media), so, this is me asking you to consider it.

We know what our physical (4 rooms) and mental limits are and are unable to take in more kids but my hope is that others can step up. Here is some more information on fostering and a post on what three things kids really need.   We love the "spice" that our Little One has added to our family and I'm thankful for the opportunity that we have been given to care for this precious child for over a year now.



  1. Great to teach awareness! Still waiting to hear about our next step in the process.......

    1. Ashley, I'm so happy to hear this! It can be a bit of a process trying to get from one step to the next. Keep me posted :)
