Monday, February 29, 2016

Be Careful What You Chant at Home

"Daddy, show me your bum rash!" I looked at Gary with my eyes wide open in shock and a dreaded sense of what could be coming. The chant. "Bum rash! Bum rash! Bum rash!". Tears of laughter and mortification ran down my face. My four-year-old son would not stop chanting and pointing at his father on a sky train full of people who were definitely listening and politely trying to act like they weren't hearing about "daddy's bum rash." We were headed down to Vancouver for the 2010 Olympics so you can imagine just how many people were aboard that crowded sky train! Gary said "I don't think anyone wants to see that" so Kai responded with "Does anyone want to see dad's bum rash?"

A week earlier my husband had gone cross country skiing which resulted in a massive bruise on his backside (is that the polite way to say "bum"?) When he showed us at home, Kai asked "Is that a rash?!" and we may have cheered "bum rash!" a time or two...or ten. Come on, chanting is fun! Who doesn't love a fun family chant?

Through this experience, we have learned that kids are sponges and never chant at home what you wouldn't want chanted on a crowded skytrain.  Have your kids ever said anything embarrassing in public?  


Need a good laugh? You need to watch what you say at home because it will come out when you're in public! This is a hilarious parenting story that had me in tears.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am laughing so hard! This would be hilariously embarrassing! OH MAN! I can't say anything like this has happened in my presence (what they say at school...who knows!). The only thing i remember was when T was 2 and a bit and we were at a busy campground and she found a big stick...only it came out, "Look Mommy! A big dick! Big dick Mommy! Big dick!" Yep...and I kept repeating, "Yes, that's a big SSSSSTTTTTick, isn't it? big SSSSTTTTTick!" :) :)

    1. Ha, Taeya! That's like our little one saying "frog" or "clock"...interesting interpretations!!

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    My child politely asked a store clerk "Are you a boy or a girl?". Slightly embarrassing. Okay, totally embarrassing. Not even sure how to make that ok. In his defense, it was hard to tell :) - Ali

    1. OH man, did he/she answer? That way at least you would know too! It's an important thing to know when you're little (along with their age etc) :)

  3. Myles decided to keep yelling 'doodle' extremely loud through the grocery store while pulling at his nappy/diaper. I was laughing so hard that it made him laugh and keep doing it. Hopefully no one else caught on but I did get a few looks. And this is at age 2.. can't imagine what other things he will come up with!

  4. Oh my goodness!!! Way too funny.

  5. Ashley6:28 AM

    This in an all too familiar experience! I have two young boys and the things that have been discussed... anyway, sitting in my living room, enjoying a little coffee and some emails before I started my day, had sent me and article that caught my eye. As I was about to click on it I noticed "Blogger Spotlight: Louise Chapman." No way! Couldn't be! I clicked and "yes! It is you!" Okay, I am not some crazed fan or stalker and you won't know me as anything as this: Pam's oldest niece but I thought it was cool to receive an email in my living room, in Manitoba, spotlighting someone I knew of. (Well... This was random but I thought I'd leave a comment - did you know you were spotlighted?)

    1. Thank you, Ashley :) Yes, I sometimes do get my pieces shared on Savvy Mom! I contribute to them and they share the good ones. Thanks for commenting and leaving such an awesome comment at that!
