Well, this should really be entitled `Kai's weekend' since all the pics are of him:) This weekend we didn't do much, lotsa just `us' time. Friday we went to the mall and I bought new runners! Usually I buy runners once a year but since I haven't been running a whole lot, I extended my old ones for almost 2 years. It sure feels good to be in new supportive, comfy shoes! I would wear my runners all the time if I could. On Saturday we did a photo shoot that went really well. Today Gary went to church and I stayed home with Kai. Kai developed a croup-ish cough over the last 3 days although there are no other symptoms, just irritability. I've been reading `28 Stories of AIDS in Africa as suggested by Lynn and have been enjoying it, if that's what you can call it. Very informative and insightful and sad. Gary has been cooking up a storm today (woohoo, we like to cook more on Sundays so we have extras for the week) and I've finished all my marking (end of the term this week).

Kai likes to play with the lights. He also likes to `draw' at this table. Really, just lots of scribbles but when I draw a `K', he says `Kai'. Another new thing that he has taken to doing is calling someone's name, grabbing their finger, and leading them to something he needs help with (like a puzzle, opening something); it's quite cute.

Our school had a garage sale and I bought this sturdy grocery cart which Kai uses for his most valuable possessions...his balls. He has 9 balls all together and loves them. He likes us to count them and transport them from one location to the next. He stands at the door and begs us to play basketball outside with him. Whenever he shoots, he says `toots' which makes me giggle everytime. Did i tell you that he requests to take a basketball to bed?

Today he discovered he could reach the ceiling with daddy's help...quite fun. Fortunately for me, I'm too short so I don't have to/get to do this with him:)

Kai looking at daddy getting some fresh oregeno. When Kai is playing bball in the backyard, he takes a break for 3 things: to play with the windchime, point at the birdhouse, or go look at the herbs (he can point out the thyme and oregano).

Not sure what to do with this kiddos hair...it always stands up in the back. I'm trying to grow it longer so it weighs itself down? Talking about hair, I bought a wash out dye called `Spiced Cider' and now i just have to follow through. I don't know why I'm chicken, people dye their hair all the time right?

Kai likes to play with the lights. He also likes to `draw' at this table. Really, just lots of scribbles but when I draw a `K', he says `Kai'. Another new thing that he has taken to doing is calling someone's name, grabbing their finger, and leading them to something he needs help with (like a puzzle, opening something); it's quite cute.
Our school had a garage sale and I bought this sturdy grocery cart which Kai uses for his most valuable possessions...his balls. He has 9 balls all together and loves them. He likes us to count them and transport them from one location to the next. He stands at the door and begs us to play basketball outside with him. Whenever he shoots, he says `toots' which makes me giggle everytime. Did i tell you that he requests to take a basketball to bed?
Today he discovered he could reach the ceiling with daddy's help...quite fun. Fortunately for me, I'm too short so I don't have to/get to do this with him:)
Kai looking at daddy getting some fresh oregeno. When Kai is playing bball in the backyard, he takes a break for 3 things: to play with the windchime, point at the birdhouse, or go look at the herbs (he can point out the thyme and oregano).

Not sure what to do with this kiddos hair...it always stands up in the back. I'm trying to grow it longer so it weighs itself down? Talking about hair, I bought a wash out dye called `Spiced Cider' and now i just have to follow through. I don't know why I'm chicken, people dye their hair all the time right?
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