1. We all slept in til 8am!!! Party!!
2. Went to church. I've prob. mentioned this before, but, Kai does so well in the church nursery and has fun playing with the kids (he calls them `tids'). It does help that they have a ball in there and he just asks everyone to play pass with him.
3. Went to Deas Island Regional Park to check out the location for wedding pics...great place!

4. Came home and did housework (ironing, brought recycling to the depot etc)

5. Went to Gary's parents for dinner with all the Chapmans. Kai loves going to grandma and grandpa's and seeing the `tids'. He just watches the 2 boys playing and thinks about how he can join in. On the way home, he kept saying `boys. nomino (dominoes)' `boys. wrestle'. When he saw the 3 youngest wrestling with Gary, he wanted to join in but wasn't sure what to do. The first thing he did was hit T-bone in the face. We corrected him and he jumped on Gary instead. He wants to fit in and join in so bad, its sad to see when he just isn't old enough to participate (ex. dominoes). I babysat a 3 year old on Thursday and he really wanted to play with her, he even offered her all his fav. toys and she rejected his offers. He wanted to hold her hand across the street and she refused. He wanted to sit beside her on the couch but she wanted her space. I felt bad for him but he seemed okay. He just wants to play with everyone.

on the way back from grandma's...happy with Bubi in the back seat. He is REALLY into singing happy birthday and he'll yell someone's name and then we sing happy bday to that person. Tonight we even sang `happy bday to Bubbi (his blankie)'.
6. Did our taxes:) Woohoo, we both get money back!
i loev his cute red nose in this pic. hes adorable