(picture from earlier this week in case you don't like to read posts)
Don't have too much to say about facebook, but just a few comments:
1. Facebook is better/faster at uploading pics than blogger
2. Facebook is amazing at connecting with many, many people
3. Do we want to connect with many, many people? I really appreciate Gary's perspective on it. He refuses to join. Why? He feels that if he doesn't even invest enough time and energy into the friendships that matter most to him, why would he `waste' time/energy trying to make new friendships or try to be connected to even more people.
4. Is facebook trying to give people a sense of belonging?
5. I went out for dinner last night with a couple of friends that I re-connected with. I could've found them through other means, but it was very, very convenient. By the way, it was really great to catch up and reflect on the past few years.
6. I don't think I spend too much time on facebook, so that's good. Maybe 15 minutes a day...I'll just check if there are new uploaded pics and see if there are any comments or birthdays, and then I'm good.
7. Blogging is better!!! If you want to stay caught up with people who live far and wide (or just down the street), it is such great insight into their day to day and I have really grown to appreciate and love it.
Finally, not anything to do with facebook, but...I'm starting to work next week. I'll be a support worker in a preschool for 5 weeks. When you are on maternity leave, you can only make a certain amount and this worked out perfectly! So, 3 days a week, in the morning, I'll be out working. Gary and Kai will get some good bonding time in and hopefully we'll utilize our long weekends to do fun stuff!!!
I just realized today that, while I visit your blog every day, I rarely leave a comment. I'm sorry! You have so many people leave comments so often that I think I thought you didn't need comments from me. So dumb. I just want you to know that I love reading your blog! And congrats on finding some work for the summer. I know I loved going back...being mommy is great but it's nice to work, too. xoxo