Sunday, June 24, 2007


Kai waving (looks a little star trekish) and wearing his new outfit from gramma, thanks Gramma! Hopefully the sun comes out so it makes sense to wear shorts right now!

Okay, I'm kinda nervous to ask (because I dont' know if anyone will respond), but I just feel like I'd like to know who reads our blog! Apparently, 144 people checked out our blog yesterday. Do I even know that many people?! I would really appreciate it if you left a comment (and name) so I know who checks out our blog...don't be embarrassed, I read a lot of blogs too and sometimes of people that I don't even know. I'm expecting 144 comments:)

Enjoy not having to water your lawns and gardens this weekend!


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    yes, i check my own blog.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    hi louise, i don't know you either and i can't even remember how i found your blog. but i love reading it nontheless, the pictures are adorable.

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    i read your blog all the time.

  4. haha i read your blog. i love the random things you talk about and the pictures are cute too!! :)

  5. I bounce in to check in on you regularly.

  6. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I read it time to time.... Have a good day!


  7. I love reading about your days with Kai. I check the blog regularly!


  8. i probably count for 4 or 5 actually, since I check all the blogs on my list that many times a day......

  9. You know I check it every day (that I'm in front of a computer with internet as I don't have a computer myself!!)

  10. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I sometimes check for postings more than once a day. 13 more sleeps til I can see for myself what's going on with you!

  11. Anonymous7:59 PM

    i check it oncei n a while

  12. yes!!! I really enjoy reading your blog! The pictures are adorable and it's quite interesting to read up on how you enjoy being a mom!!! I love it!

  13. Anonymous12:15 AM

    every day!

  14. Anonymous4:20 AM


  15. I suspect that you have sixteen people who check it six times a day.

  16. Boy is my face red, as soon as posted my comment I thought, that doesn't add up. Twenty-four people checking six times a day would make more sense, both because then the math is correct and because I'm sure that more than sixteen people read your blog. My apologies.

  17. that's really funny about how many people check your blog! do you have counter? i would like to get one too maybe. i didn't check yesterday, but i do check on a regular basis and more than once a day when i am checking! cute pics!!!

  18. I'd say I check it pretty regularly...maybe I'll check it 145 times today just to throw you off...

  19. Hey Lou,

    Yes - I check in on you every so often. Your a brilliant blogger no wonder everyone wants to see whats new with you. Ash

  20. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I'm guilty too. I love the pictures of Kai and your stories are entertaining.

  21. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Hi Louise ,I regularly read to see how you and your family are doing are doing . I didn't mean to creap you out.You write so well its just really good reading.charlie and sometimes anita. we don't have a blog so it always comes up anonymous.

  22. Anonymous12:50 PM

    i read your blogs every so often.
    it's emily from fvc.

  23. Hi Louise... I don't even know if you remember me... Rachel & Kristine's little sister Caroline. I check in every once in a while. Your son is ADORABLE!!

  24. Anonymous8:31 AM

    yep, I check this every so often too. Once you come back to FVC then we'll be more connected... but heck, I'd just check for the cute pics.

  25. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I look at the pictures. Hi Kaipai, Poobrain and Gary (just wait until I get to know you better, Gary, I'll find a name for you too).


  26. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I guess I should fess up now eh?

    Laura Struik (Vander Ende)
