Friday, December 23, 2011


It's 2:30pm and I'm still in bed.  Gary brought me the lap top to keep me occupied:)  Last night we went for dinner at 6:30pm and by 7pm I wasn't feeling too great.  We got home at 8:15pm and that's when it started.  Yikes. So sick.  I was up every 1.5 hours and violently ill  (I'll spare you details but let's just say it was worse than I've ever had in my life).  It sort of reminded me of when I had food poisoning 10 years ago.  I'm so nervous the kids will get it so I'm hoping that by staying away from them all day, and just hanging out in bed, that will help.  I had an incredible amount of pain in my stomach, like a volcano was going off...for 12 hours.  I was worried about the baby getting dehydrated as I lost 5lbs.   However, this afternoon I was able to keep two cups of fluids down.
Anyway, this is not how I envisioned my Christmas holidays.  I'm so thankful that my sisters did not go into labour last night.  I'm so thankful that Gary is home to entertain the monkeys all day.
I'm starting to feel a bit better but my stomach is still so sensitive.   Praying Gary and the boys don't get it.  I can't watch them go through that much pain and also, we would miss the two days of Christmas festivities ahead of us.
I hope you are all much healthier than I am right now and sorry for the gross update.
Love, Louise


  1. Oh Louise :( I hope that you feel better soon and also REALLY hope along with you that the boys don't get it.

  2. oh no! Hopefully the fact that it came on so quickly will also mean that it will leave you quickly as well. Praying that you feel fantastic tomorrow and that no one else gets it!

  3. awful :( I hope it passes quickly and that Gary and the boys don't get it at all!

  4. Feel better soon!! How awful!! I've heard this is going around, and I wish pregnant women were immune to it...

  5. gross..especially when pregnant.Could it be food poisoning? If you feel too dehydrated, go to Drs/ hospital for a litre or 2 of I/V fluid. You will recover faster and better for baby...though it sounds like you're through the worst of it. Peace and joy for your Christmas weekend - despite your circumstances! LOVED your 5 sister prego story!

  6. Hope you are feeling much better today and that no one else in the family gets it. Merry Christmas!

  7. That's terrible! I do hope you are feeling much, much better by now and are enjoying these special days. Much love dear friend!

  8. oh no! hope you recovered in time to enjoy some of the festivities! the flu is bad this year. my mom missed out on Christmas because of it :(
