I met with the gynecologist this morning that delivered Kai via C-section. She is a great doctor and I really appreciate her knowledge and efficiency. She also did a fantastic job stitching me up last time. We have tried to book a C-section date of January 2nd and she should be around to do it (although it is the first day of her holidays). I'll know the date for sure, next time I visit her on December 11th. We went over Kai's birth and she read through all of her notes on it and again I realized how we did everything we could. She apologized for all she put me through with the manual internal rotation and all:) We have decided that if I go into labour before the C-section date, I will try to deliver it naturally. However, she `reacquainted' herself with my pelvis (which was quite uncomfortable!) and said that I could deliver a 7 lb baby but due to the narrowness/structure of it there would be no way a 9lb+ baby could make it through. So far, this baby is measuring normal size (30 cm uterus at 30 weeks) but Kai was too until the last few weeks!
Because Kai was early and 9lbs 11oz, she really wants to rule out diabetes so I am scheduled for the 3 hour glucose test tomorrow. I am almost 100% positive that I do not have gestational diabetes, I let her know that Gary was a huge baby too. Whatever, I'll do it. I think the reason why all these tests and appt's are frustrating is because its really hard to find someone to watch Kai each time. Besides, I will be so hungry as you have to fast for 10 hours before and then can't have anything for the 3 hours that you have to sit in the office for. Grrrrrr. I should be very thankful for all the prenatal care I am receiving, and I am. I also had to book another ultrasound but couldn't get into the Langley office til Christmas Eve so I am going to Abbotsford instead. I was really excited because then we could possibly find out the sex of our baby. However, my sister reminded me that Abbotsford does not do sex determination. Is this still the case? I believe the ultrasound is again to determine the size in case I go into labour early. So, I came home from my appt and had to make 4 more appt's; ultrasound, 3 hour glucose test, Dr. app't, and gynecologist app't.
I think I am just ready for January 2nd to be here. Now. Thank goodness I only work part time. Time to do some marking.
Abbotsford does not let you know the sex of the baby. There is a sign saying that it is unethical. The real reason for the rule (as it was explained to me) is because of the high traditional indo-canadian population that we have. Their culture values males WAY higher then females and there has been problems in the past with them having abortions if they found out they were having girls.
ReplyDeleteWhen you go to get the Abbotsford ultrasound make sure you don't get Siemens. I don't know her first name, but she is an older gray haired lady. She is horrible! I've had two other friends get her and we've all had similar bad experiences. Request not to have her when you check in.
About ultrasounds... when I had mine in Winnipeg with Eva I had to drink the giant cup of water and be uncomfortable the whole time. Here in Torreon with Micah I had a number of ultrasounds (every doctor has a machine in their office and it is routine). They NEVER asked me to have a full bladder. And there was never a problem with the u/s. Come to your own conclusions... I'm just saying.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are so happy with your doctor! She sounds nice.
I hope the tests and appointments go well for you. I can definitely sympathize with your childcare-for-appointment woes.
I just found out about this site which might interest you: http://www.bigbaby.org.uk/
Praying for you and the last months of your pregnancy!!