Thursday, September 20, 2007

Belly tickles

Now when I get Kai out of his crib, he stands up giggling, lifts up my shirt to see my belly, and tickles me. So cute. Sometimes when I'm on the computer he runs up to me to tickle my side too. It makes me giggle because his hands are so cold and I think he's kind of silly. Tonight, he didn't' fall asleep right away and just chattered away for an HOUR in his crib repeating mama over and over and having some happy giggles.

Teaching has gone well. Its been a bit busier than I thought (while at work) because we usually leave by 4pm. Gary and I used to always stay til 5pm or so, it just means now I have to work during my breaks and half my lunch too (we leave by 4pm so that we can get Kai and have some quality time with him before bed). It's fine, just busier. Today I marked 4 classes of tests and 20 Virus posters. Wow. Go me. I've enjoyed being back at work and I don't think about Kai all day because I know he's okay, what a great feeling! He did fall today and got a bruisy bump on his forehead, he has to learn that stairs are dangerous! He would run straight down them (which means he would fall straight down) without a second thought...I think that's how we all learned as kids:)

I have realized that I haven't taken a picture of Kai in 9 DAYS. Wow. I must be back at work. I'll have to get some tomorrow. Below is a picture of him from exactly one year ago. If he was anywhere near a laundry basket today, it would be emptied in seconds and our belongings would be scattered throughout the entire house!

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