Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Babysitting Annika

Kai on the activity mat that he never enjoyed all that much but seems to enjoy now.

Annika (my neice) kept wanting to go in the exersaucer, something she's a bit too big for, but, it kept her from running around the house when i was putting Kai down for his nap.

They kept wanting each other's toys. It just went back and forth between 4 toys.

This is what Kai looks like when he wakes up from his nap and I go in to get him. Seriously, what a great little boy he is. The other day, Gary said that the first 2 months really weren't that bad. Sorry, but if you're not the one recovering from major abdominal surgery, you can't say that. If you get to sleep 8 hours straight, you can't say that. If you are gone for 3/4 of the day, you can't say that. Just a tip for all those fathers and fathers-to-be out there:)

This is Annika motoring around like crazy now. She's just over a year old.

Here's Annika running away with the remote (the most coveted `toy' of all today). She realized that no matter how much Kai stretched his arms, he couldn't reach her when she ran away with whatever he wanted. Just you wait Annie..give him a few more months!


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    no really the first 2 months were not that bad.

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    hey...r those cool green pants his new ones from his aunty?

  3. Anonymous8:04 PM

    for the mother the first year is a piece of cake while the father has to toil....just ask someone who has done that his WHOLE LIFE and has 5 daughters

  4. Who could that last comment be from...?? HMMM! anyways....very cute pics...great job lou!

  5. Anonymous3:36 PM

    smart cookie...taking the remote from the "man" of the house

  6. That's what Taeya is like when she wakes up from her naps too. So cute and happy! :)
    I was trying to catch up on your blog (i'm Sooooo behind), and i noticed how tall Kai is/was at 6 months...do you have him in a new carseat? i was checking the other day, and i noticed that the height max is 28", i think...?

  7. Hey Kelly, we have had Kai in the new carseat since January. Our seat was only good up to 26 inches and he's now 29.5 so ya...we had to. I miss the convenience of the carseat that you can carry everywhere!!!

  8. Hey Kelly, we have had Kai in the new carseat since January. Our seat was only good up to 26 inches and he's now 29.5 so ya...we had to. I miss the convenience of the carseat that you can carry everywhere!!!

  9. Hi Louise,
    I finally found your blog. I've tried to get to it a few times from Kelly's but it never worked. Kai is such a big boy already! I skimmed through your posts and wanted to say the same thing I'm going to tell Kelly too - I love the Kirkland diapers and I think they're the best of the cheapies. The closest Costco to me is 8 hours away so we go with Wal-Mart dipes for second best, and Superstore's Premium brand (a little softer then the regular Teddy's Choice). We did cloth with Max for several months but gave that up and didn't even attempt it with Marty. Go for it as long as you can.

    I'll be checking in on your blog now, glad you've got one going. Come visit mine!

