Friday, May 23, 2014

A Little Favour

Hello my friends!  As you saw earlier this week, I made the Top 30 list for Vancouver Mom Bloggers by for 2014.  I am totally honoured and feel just a tad bit out of my element.  My blog isn't fancy, I think I've tweeted 16 times in my life, I don't have 1000's of instagram followers BUT what I do have is an awesome community behind me.  Yes, you.  All so awesome.  Family, friends, relatives, colleagues, past students, blogger friends, photography clients turned friends and more.  Contest aside, I am, and always have been, grateful for a place to share my feelings, record our lives and just connect with others.  Thank you.

Next month I get to attend a celebration evening but over the next two weeks, there will be voting for the top blogger.  You can only vote once a week so I will be doing two posts about voting as I don't want to get all annoying :)  So, once this week and once next week.  There is an awesome first prize which would be a perfect anniversary trip for Gary and I to the Painted Boat Resort Spa & Marina on the Sunshine Coast!!  Can you picture us there? I sure can!!
vancouver mom bloggers painted boat

Here is the info for voting:

1.  Voting ends Friday June 6, 2014 and the winner will be announced June 9, 2014.
2.  You can vote for up to three of your favourite bloggers.
3.  You can vote once each week (so twice in the two weeks)

It is super easy to vote, just go to THIS link at, scroll to the bottom and you will see the voting.  You can see me as `Louise Chapman, Talk Nerdy To Me'.

Thank you in advance.  I'm not very good at asking for help and so here I am trying.  Have a wonderful weekend.


PS Next marriage post will be up this weekend!  It's about good looking women at Home Depot. Sort of.


  1. Very, very cool! Off to vote.....

  2. Super easy to vote! I'll vote from as many different IP addresses as I can each week!

  3. (for you i should add!! haha)

  4. Thank you!
    Shannon-you are hilarious.

  5. I voted! One thing I do want to say though....I love your blog as it is. I hope this doesn't change it. I have noticed other blogs that have done this have changed content and/or style. The blog becomes a lot about product reviews (because they get free stuff to write reviews) and no longer REAL, if you know what I mean. I tune out at that point. All this to say, don't change and good luck!!

  6. Thank you Marsalie!! Totally hear what you are saying!!
