Friday, May 02, 2014

Showing Love

This picture warms my heart and makes me smile.
{To be honest it also makes me a little concerned that Koey is going to have lice}
My dad and Joanne take the grandkids to Montana's for their 5th birthdays.  Koen has been soooo looking forward to this since his birthday in January.  They get to eat whatever they want and get that special one on one attention.  We eat out as a family maybe once every 2 months (and they don't get whatever they want) so this is very exciting and special to them. 

I love seeing my kids so happy over an experience like this.  I love to see my kids loved.  Another highlight of the kids year is when grandma and grandpa take the kids to pick their Christmas tree in December and then they get a HAPPY MEAL.  

As a funny side note, Koen is under the impression that anyone who turns five gets to go to Montana's with Opi.  He'll meet someone at the park and ask how old they are.  If they are five?  `YOU GET TO GO TO MONTANA'S WITH OPI!!'.  Blank stare in return.

Have a great weekend.

Love, Louise

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to have one on one time with loved ones (instead of alway massive group family get togethers). Such great memories for the little ones. I still remember going to the Flintstones Park just with my sister and aunt & uncle, it was such a fun day!
