Monday, January 20, 2014

Running Away

When I was a kid, I would sometimes `run away'.  We had a tree fort and I would just go there and read.  As a teenager, I would hide in the back of our Christmas tree farm and sometimes smoke a cigarette (dad, don't read that part!).  Yesterday I had an engagement session on Granville Island and I didn't want to come home afterwards.  When I think back to when I lived in Vancouver, I have fond memories.  It was such a FUN time.   I had no responsibilities other than teaching and myself.  I could do whatever I wanted when I wanted.    Life is different now.  I am so thankful for all  I have but sometimes, well, it's not fun and it's exhausting.  Like very tiring.

Nya has been teething and is miserable each evening and waking in the night.
The boys fight and don't listen and bug their sister.  Koen drives me bonkers.  I love him so much but WHY WON'T HE LISTEN???!!!
Basically the kids exhaust me.
Gary is busy with basketball which means he's gone more and he's tired.

Sometimes when Gary gets home, he says `Just go out!'.  Where am I going to go at 8 pm? Shopping?  As nice as that would be, I don't need to spend money on clothes.

We've had to replace so many things in our home in the last few weeks which has added stress.  Now to figure out where/when and what washer/dryer to get.  In the meantime, our house will be covered in drying racks I guess?  At least the leak in our ceiling wasn't serious because that was a lame thing to discover two nights ago.

So, before I start thinking about my thankful Thursday post, I had to vent out my frustration on kids that don't listen and a house that is starting to require replacement appliances etc.

And, to end on a good note, here are my kids being cute while I cleaned the bathroom this morning:

Hope your week has started off well!

Love, Louise


  1. You're more than welcome to dry your clothes in our dryer until you get a new one (if you want)! We live super super close to you!

  2. Laura, totally forgot! When our dryer stopped two nights ago (and we had two loads of wet laundry) I was trying to think about who I could bug or what we could've done. Totally would've worked. Right now if I do one load and use a drying rack in Nya's room (it's nice an warm in there) it works but I will keep you in mind! Hopefully we figure it out soon. I think I'm going to facebook you to exchange phone numbers just in case!!

  3. Boo! Sorry you are so tired! Maybe it will work to "go out" for next book club at Terri's and partake in a glass of wine:)

  4. Mandeep! I've go the book and it's on the calendar!! Looking forward to seeing you again!

  5. I will "go out" with you anytime. A walk? A coffee (or tea)? :) Thanks for your honesty, makes me feel more normal for wanting to stay in bed all day Saturday just reading my book. And then I heard the boys and Steve laughing in the play-room... so I got up :)

  6. Brayden's parents just got a super good deal on a Maytag dryer at Coastal Appliances!

  7. You could hit up Chapters/ self date :) but nice and quiet! (or take up any of those great offers from all the near-by friends :)

  8. We all feel like running away occasionally! Trust your week will improve.

  9. Starbucks can't be too far away from your place so walk there and then relax with a coffee or tea and then walk home! It sounds amazing to me! I would be all over that but nothing in Sundre is open apart from the grocery store and Pharmasave although now Tim Horton's is open but it's just not the same as Starbucks!
    I hope your week gets better and that you're able to find a good deal on a washer and dryer! We had that happen a few months after we moved here and our landlord took 3 months to fix it but by that time we had found our own set and just bought them!

  10. You know I'm up for hanging out at 8pm!
