Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Favourites

This is a blog purely about me and my favourite things. It's just because sometimes I'm bored (love it!) and wish that people had updated their blogs.

Favourite items of clothing: my saucony runners, my watch (it's not a great one but I could never not wear it), and black puffy MEC vest which I've had for at least 4 years and prob. wear way to much.
Favourite sports to play: football and ball hockey. Seriously, playing football has balanced my life out and it is the best time of the week where I get to be just plain old Louise.
Favourite book: Power of One
Favourite meal I've ever had: Back in 2004, Gary and I were hiking Stein Valley (grizzly country, no other people around for 3 days, unclear trail markings). On the third day out, Gary made a sundried tomato pesto chicken sauce with rotini. It was fabulous.
Favourite time saver: Every night, I lay out my clothes for the next day. I do this for Kai too.
Favourite drink: I only have these once every two weeks or so, I would say either a mocha or a coke.
Favourite tv show: LOST
Favourite month: August (summer, Gary, Kai and my birthdays, no work)
Favourite dessert: homemade apple pie and icecream
Favourite course to teach: Biology 12
Favourite sister to talk about family stuff: Maria
Favourite sister to make me laugh: Jan
Favourite sister to depend on: Jackie
Favourite sister to go on a walk with: Trish
Favourite chore to do: vacuuming
Favourite beach: Crescent
Favourite lens: 28-135 mm Canon IS
Favourite alone time: shower
Favourite snack: homemade cookies (which I have been without for 3 weeks on this cookie free diet which has allowed me to lose just 2 lbs)
Favourite things about our house's location: walk to Extra Foods and the park
Favourite fruit: mango
Favourite love language: words of affirmation (Gary's is Acts of Service)
Favourite part of our wedding: we wrote our own vows which were a little funny


  1. "oh, is that Mango?"
    ok that was a bit of an insiders joke.
    we enjoyed reading your blog this afternoon

  2. Are you NUTS? Who LIKES vacuuming? Seriously. Want to come to my house and do your favourite chore?
    I'm with you on two accounts, though. Favourite fruit, mango. Favourite alone time, shower. I get really cranky if Brent tries to join me in the shower. It's my time. In fact, he hasn't tried that in a very long time, so he must have gotten the picture on that one!
    I like this post. I may copy it!
