Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Foster Parent Home Study

We started the process of becoming foster parents about one year ago.  We are finally at the last stage; The Home Study!  Fortunately we've been through these interviews before when we went through our adoption journey (that ended when we were not selected, our adoption agency shut down, and then we decided to have one more biological child; Nya) so we know what to expect.  I just wanted to share this part with you in case you are curious.

After our education classes were completed, we had to fill out about 50 pages of pre-interview questions that cover everything from intimacy, to finances, to discipline, to our childhood.  Imagine if you had to fill this out before having your own biological child?

Next will be several interviews with Gary and I together with our social worker.  Then, we will each have one on our own.  Finally, she will talk with the kids too.  She will need to put together a massive report and then we should be active!  I'm assuming that this will all be done close to April.

The other day I saw this post on facebook and I want to share it here.  So many people say, `What about your kids?' and believe me, we've thought about it.  As hard as it might be, don't you think they will all learn and grow from this experience?  I think of our trip to SE Asia.  Yes, Kai got Dengue Fever.  Koen got food poisoning.  Was it worth it? Yes.  They loved it and learned about other cultures.  I think about something as simple as letting them play hockey outside.  Do they get hurt? Yes. Do they love it and learn skills like teamwork? Yes.  I wish I could share more of our journey here as it happens but obviously privacy and respect are very important.  I will be sharing what I can.

The age of the child we will be welcoming into our home would be between the ages of 2-8; our kids ages.  I'm secretly hoping that the child will be between Nya and Koen as there is a 3.5 year age gap but I'm trusting God on this one.

If you have any questions, please ask.  I really want this to be a place of sharing, learning and growth for myself and others.


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to follow along with the things you can share!
