Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Every Thursday I take a few minutes to think of all that I am thankful for that week.  It helps to get my mind focused on all I do have, rather than what I do not.
This week I am thankful for:

1. Finding a butter dish second hand.  Being that we are not `rolling in the dough', I look for a lot of items second hand.  Gary has wanted a proper butter dish for about a year and I found one this past week.  Save money and the environment.  Now to find a men's XL Arcteryx jacket for hiking...I cannot spend $500+ on a new one!!

2. A free drying rack!  The lady I was picking up the butter dish from had a FREE antique drying rack.  I've been wanting one for about a year as well (yes, I know they are like $20 but again, saving $$). Made my day.

3 .  Flowers from my husband.  Although I am not a cut flowers kinda girl (I'm sad that they die), I do appreciate that he got them for me and that my house looks a little prettier because of them.   How's that L & L? ;) 

4. Beautiful sunsets.  

5. Warm weather.  The kids played outside for hours and even ate dinner at their picnic table.

6.  A deal on Kai's raincoat for next year.  MEC one for $8.99. Oh man, you can tell I love deals?!

7. Nya's health.  Well, I'm thankful for all of ours, but especially her respiratory wellness.  She has been cough free for one month! 

8.  Being able to donate blood! Your iron levels need to be 125 Hgb/L to donate and I was 129! Yay.  Gary and I both donated.  It feels so good to help out someone in need. I think it was my 15th donation....and yes, sisters, I'm sure you've all donated more than I have.  Please sign up here to donate!

9.  Getting called to work twice this week!  Yay.  It's been a slow month work wise (subbing) so I'm thankful for work this week and next. Phew.

10. A great childhood.  We just had our second looooooong interview for our Foster Parent Home Study and I realize more and more (as I answer every single question about my childhood and life) how grateful I am for an amazing home environment.  It was full of love, support, encouragement, structure, and exploration. 

{I'm on the bottom}

I hope that you are able to focus on some of the positives today.  As always, please feel free to share one or two things that you are thankful for.  I love reading them!



  1. Great to hear about the big improvement in Nya's health!

  2. I have always told Tyler to never buy me flowers because they just die. Interesting!

    1. Jackie, I wonder if it's something mom or dad said growing up? I can definitely picture dad saying it :)

  3. Have you tried the Arcteryx outlet store in North Vancouver?

    1. Great idea, Marsalie! Will tell Gary about it.

  4. So many deals! Good job.

  5. great deals!!
    yay for blood donation! I've had to postpone my last one for a few reasons lately but looking forward to my next one in a few weeks!

  6. Katrina and Kelly-I even had another good deal but thought that I didn't want to sound too crazy! ;) Kelly-so glad to hear you are donating again!
