So. We are healthyish. Something is plaguing our digestive systems but it's not terrible. Nya has a cold again and is miserable at night (Gary and I each took a one our shift last night) BUT Gary and I are feeling quite a bit better.
On Sunday, I had a photo session in the afternoon and then we went as family to Green Timbers Park to check out the lake for an upcoming wedding. It actually looked pretty good, and if it's snowy, it will look extra good:) It was almost dark by the time we got there but we still managed to get a good walk in. I don't know if I've said this before but Koen is so excited about everything in life. He's like a puppy. Snow! A puddle! Boots! Lake! Dog! Mommy! He lives his life in exclamation marks:)
{I apologize in advance for iPhone photos in the dark....better than nothing?! }
I love our Ergo. Wish I had it when the boys were little.
I asked Kai to write a Christmas card and he asked me what it should say. I said....
That is such a Gary thing to do:) But pretty smart for a 6 year old!
On Christmas Eve we had Christmas with my side of the family. Maria and Kris hosted. We ate good food, the kids performed some songs, and we exchanged a few gifts. Gary and I got a cook book, and gift certificates to Denji Sushi and Cold Stone Creamery (all in our neighbourhood). We also did a white elephant exchange and fortunately we did not end up with the expired box of condoms that has been in the exchange for a couple of years now (hence all the babies! just kidding). The kids got gifts from Nana Jo and Opi which they were excited about.
Afterwards, we went to our church for their Christmas Eve service and everyone went to their own churches or home. No staying up too late with so many little ones! I find get togethers so exhausting. Not sure why. I guess I want to make sure my boys aren't destroying other people. They love to be rough together but other people do not appreciate it so much. Came home exhausted and with a headache. I'm sure the excess of food did not help that.
The boys wanted to leave cookies and milk for Santa. Kai is the kid that has to know everything about everything so I don' t know why he did not question for a second that Santa would somehow get into our house and deliver gifts and eat cookies at everyone's house and somehow do the whole world in one night. We don't even really talk about Santa but whatever, they were excited. They know that Santa has a $20 gift limit and the rest of the presents were from us:)
So, Christmas morning, Kai got Star Wars Lego, a watch, and the 7th Wimpy Kid book. He was happy with his gifts and played with them for hours but he was nowhere as excited as his younger brother:)
Koen got Cars stuff. Undies, cars, stickers etc. He was so thankful for each item. `RAMONE! THANK YOU MOM AND DAD! THANK YOU MOM AND DAD! ' 'CAR UNDIES! CAR UNDIES! THANK YOU MOMMY AND DADDY!'.
The boys spent a good amount of time playing with their old Trick Track tonight which kept Nya occupied too:)
I was able to go for a run today with my new Lifeproof iPhone holder (went 4.6 km). I also got beer and underwear (tradition) and wine (oh my goodness, it sounds like I drink a lot but I want to see if I like wine!) and Purdy's chocolates.
Gary got pistachios and a Cuisinart Immersion blender. Yup, that's what he asked for:) Oh ya, he got a Star Wars sticker book from Kai and a Styrofoam snowflake from Koen.
Today we have the Chapman Christmas celebration. Everyone always stays way later than we do but it is so not worth it with three young kids. We still push it a bit and stay until maybe 8pm, and I feel bad leaving, but seriously, we are the ones that don't sleep through the night and have kids up and ready for the day at 6:30am every day!
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
Love, Louise
"Whatever you want" - AWESOME!!!!
ReplyDeleteand...way to go on the run!! that's fantastic!
Merry Christmas :)