Friday, August 03, 2012

Kai Bear Turns Six!!

Six years ago, after the longest 2 nights of my life, our Kai Bear was born. He was big at 9lbs 11oz and 22.5" long. He cried a lot so it was a good thing he was kinda cute:)

We had no idea what we were doing. I knew you fed a baby but I didn't know how often. I knew I would be tired but I had no idea I would be THAT tired. We learned so much. I learned that I was selfish and that it was hard to put someone else's needs ahead of your own. He made us parents and he will forever be our first born and we love him so much.

I was so nervous to have a boy. Growing up in a family of girls, I didn't know much about what young boys were like. Well, I can tell you, they are a lot of fun and they can be really gross:) He is such an eager boy who loves to learn (he asks great questions!) and loves to play with anyone and everyone. He is such a quick learner:) He can read and loves to play all sports. I love his freckles and I love the way he trusts me 100%. He has the most beautiful hazel coloured eyes and a fabulous dimpled smile.

I could say a whole lot but I will just say that I am so thankful that I was given the gift of our son.

Happy 6th Birthday Kai Bear!!!! We love you forever and ever. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Koen and Nya.

PS Today is his hockey party and it's a million degrees out. I hope he loves it!


  1. Happy Birthday to Kai! I think we all realize how selfish we are when we have our first child (and how we can lose our tempers too!) Enjoy reminiscing and celebrating today!

  2. awesome!!! :) Happy birthday Kai! Hope the party goes well :)

  3. Happy Birthday kai! I hope this year is as exciting as your last. Have fun at your party!!
