Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cuteness and Confusion

Check out the birthday video that my friend Tessa got from her husband. She is back at work and look what Simon put together for her:)

Kai has an invisible friend named `Nobody'. It is very confusing.
Nobody did it. Nobody is my friend. Nobody is upstairs. Nobody is biking with me. I don't know what that's called but it's really strange having a nothing be a something.

Cute pictures of Kai at his sports day will be up tomorrow. Seriously, a potato sack race? Also, my son may be `that' kid. You know, `that' kid that took up a lot of attention while I was teaching. Yup, my son. By the way, don't mean `that' kid in a bad way just in a `Oh boy, he will tire out his teachers!' kind of way.

1 comment:

  1. I am not normally emotional, maybe becauase pregnant, but that is the cutest video EVER!!! So sweet! yes, nobody is confusing. When kai was here last week he told me nobody was in the tent trailer making a mess....hmmmm.
