Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Crash Test Mommy

Have you ever seen that show? Where someone comes in (an aunt, the dad..whoever) and the mom leaves them with the kids and a monstrous list of chores for an entire weekend. It's all videotaped and evaluated. Not the best show but that's what I feel like for tomorrow. Gary and Kai (well, me too) are sick so they are staying home together for the whole day. This is Gary's first time with Kai for an entire day (which is weird, how has this not happened before?). He has been with him for maybe 5 hours before when I had football but that's it. I sort of hope Kai acts up but not really you know? Also, I feel like leaving a list of stuff that I would normally get done on a busy day for him:) I'm sure they'll have lots of fun together and Kai will say something like `I love you' to him which will make me sooooo jealous:) Anyway, I'm heading to bed as I've just taken my night time cough medicine which makes me nice and sleepy. Oh ya, Kai has a cold but along with that, he has really dark purple circles under his eyes and tons of yellow crusty stuff coming out of his eyes, is this normal? OH, just looked it up...sometimes kids get viral conjuctivitis with their colds (pink eye)...guess Gary will be walking him to the clinic tomorrow to check that out! Okay, time for bed. Bon nuit. PS I could have another neice or nephew really soon!!!! HOpefully tonight!!

1 comment:

  1. are you an auntie again yet?! i hope you guys all get better, being sick is not fun, especailly when it's dragged on (i had a similar lingering cold like you). i've enjoyed reading all your posts and seeing updated photos :)
