Well, we've had an interesting week! I had to call in sick last Friday because Nya Bear caught a respiratory virus and that very day we said "yes" to a sweet foster baby. Then Gary had a basketball tournament over the weekend and I came down with a different virus. So, ya. I had to miss hockey on Tuesday (boo) but somehow we made it through the week okay.
This is what I am thankful for today:
1. Health care. Nya Bear has great medication and is able to see professionals when need be. Our new baby can go to Public Health and clinics and also get the care she needs. Yes, we often have to wait for specialists but we live in a pretty awesome place.
2. Fun winter activities. The weeks of rain were so hard on me. Thankful for sunshine in the midst of fall changing to winter. I do feel a bit sorry for myself that we will likely not have as many snowy adventures as we'd like now with a baby but we'll try! I do have the goal to take the kids skiing, tubing, and spend some time up at Grouse.
3. Free fun advent activities. So, we may be "advented out" because the kids are so eager to get up each morning and check what we're doing. Sleep in, children! This was from flashlight Hide and Seek.
4. Oils. We've started using DoTerra essential oils (along with modern medicine) over the past few months and I think it's made a bit of a difference. If I were to quantify, I would say that diffusing the Fresh Air helped Nya's coughing at night by reducing it by about 10-20%. It's difficult to say as it's a different virus each time and she's getting older but based on experience, that would be my best guess. Every bit counts!
5. Kindness activities. We won a Kindness Calendar and the kids have enjoyed all of the activities. On this day we had to read to someone and Koen chose to read to Nya. He is quite extreme in his behaviour so we go from major pest to sweet big brother all the time. Love seeing him acting patient and kind with his little sister.
6. Baby gear! I am so thankful for the donation of a baby car seat, Graco stroller for the car seat, and an awesome exersaucer that baby loves and gives me freedom to run to the next room if need be! Thank you, friends. It's expected in fostering that you have all the gear but we got rid of almost all of our baby stuff once Nya was one years old as this was not in our plans. Thank you.
7. Family bowling night. On December 10th my mom would've turned 65. In December we always going bowling as a whole family (28 of us this year!) so it worked out perfectly. The kids bowled and the adults chatted and cheered them on. Good times. The downside of this being so public is that I can't share photos of extended family but picture a whole bunch of excited and sweaty kids.
8. Christmas concerts. Kai had his last Thursday and Nya and Koen have theirs today. It's fun seeing them explore their musical side. I'd say that it isn't a passion for the boys but Nya does love singing and dancing.
9. Basketball games. Gary coached senior boys basketball for about 20 years and this is the first year he has changed things up. He is now doing junior boys and grade six boys (Kai's team). This means many more practises but he's home for bedtimes which is awesome.
10. Our sweet baby. Who is teething–yikes! I wish I could share photos and stories but I can't. I will just say that we are pretty smitten with her. We were tempted to say "no" to the call because she will likely be with us for a long time and that can be hard for someone who really wants to adventure and travel (does that sound selfish?) but I'm very thankful we said yes. There are so many unknowns in fostering and it can be extremely frustrating working with "the system". We likely won't be a foster family in a couple more years as it was never a dream of ours but something we felt led to for a while. It's been good and important and I'm thankful that more people are opening their homes. It will be time to move on to the next stage of our lives where we can be more involved with our kids activities, I can work several days a week with the kids in school full time and we can travel more.
What is something big or small that you are thankful for today?
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