As I reflect back on this year I see growth through challenges. Again...when is life just easy?
We said goodbye to our first foster child and hello to four more over the months! Saying "yes" is often the most stressful part of it although not the most emotional. You don't really know what (who) you are saying "yes" to and what the implications will be. We had a tricky placement that was more challenging than we anticipated and went longer than expected. We currently have a sweet baby girl who will be with us for quite some time and will likely be our last placement but, well, you never know.
This year I found out that I was a perfectionist and that threw me for a loop but allowed me to see the strengths and weaknesses of my character. In turn, I recognize what I can work on so that in moments of stress I can anticipate what I'll be tempted to do.
I joined a hockey team. Honestly, this is the biggest thing I've done for me in years and it as made me feel like Old Louise again – you're never too old! If there is something you've given up on or have a twinge of hope for, go for it!
We travelled. Oh, did we travel. We went on a Caribbean cruise – our first – and it was the highlight of the year for the kids. It was pretty extravagant for us as we are usually road trippers! Talking about road trips, we did a tour of Vancouver Island this summer AND another road trip to Yellowstone National Park with stops at Waterton and Craters of the Moon.
Behind the scenes the year also involved a lot of classes and work on helping our kids with self-regulation and executive functioning as well as working on our marriage. Many evenings were filled with sports as both of our boys were playing hockey and I hope that continues well into the future.
As for 2018? I hope that this year contains travel and health, and of course, lipstick and hugs.
What are you looking forward to in 2018?
The world could always use more hugs.