This week I am thankful for:
1. Our medical system. Sure, I'd rather not wait six months for a specialist BUT I do love that we can make appointments, get to a doctor, and not have it cost a fortune. I was tested for my iron a few months back and found out I was anemic. I've been on iron (Proferrin) and vitamin C and feel amazing! Koen is finally getting allergy tested and I just feel bad it took so long for us to get to it. He has regular seasonal allergies but I know that there is more as he struggles with congestion 365 days a year and itchy ears/eyes.
2. Great brunch with friends (in which one wonderfully nerdy friend gave me this pin!). I not only married into a great family but Gary had some fantastic friends that I get to call my own. They have get together called "nerdfests", seriously, what could be better?!
3. Easter with my side of the family. These kids are getting so big! I'm not showing the whole kid group photo due to privacy reasons but there's a lot of them.
4. A morning out at Tynehead. I seriously need it more than anyone in our family. I think a lot of my day is filled with appointments and cleaning and calendars and laundry so I just need time away from it all!
5. Twinning. Okay, so Nya asks every day what team we are (as I mentioned last week.) This week we had Team Heart Shirt and Grey Sweater...
..and Team Brown Boots.
6. A pot of flowers on our kitchen table and beautiful tulips in our garden.
7. A daughter who likes sports (or so she says).
8. Sunsets. Seriously, the beauty.
9. Shorts! I wore shorts twice this week!
10. Routine. Oh how I love having the boys back at school. Yes, our days are filled with appointments (doctors, dentists, mechanics, school things, church things, sports things...) but it's good to have some of the kids/noise out of the house!
Thank you for reading. I'm seriously blown away by how many people come check this space–therefore, I'm thankful for YOU. What are you thankful for?
Always enjoy reading your thankful Thursday. A good reminder to appreciate the little things in life :)